Tutoring Pt 2

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Okay, @SapphireThePansexual, here goes my promised part two. Everybody else, this will make way more sense if you read the first part beforehand. Enjoy!

Thomas ran out of his classroom, gripping his finals in his hand. "Hey, Hamilton!" he called out. Hamilton stopped and waited for him to catch up. "What's up?" he asked. Thomas grinned and handed him his test. Hamilton read it over. "A+, huh?" he smiled. "Guess I'm a pretty good teacher." Thomas nodded. "Thanks, for helping me." He said awkwardly. Hamilton shrugged. "No problem. You're not the total asshole I thought you were." The two of them stood there in silence until Hamilton's friends dragged him off. James approached Thomas. "Hey. What's wrong?" he asked. "You don't have to go to tutoring anymore." Thomas looked down. "I kinda enjoyed it, though." He said quietly. James started fangirling. "Oh my god, you like him, don't you?" he whisper-shrieked. Thomas blushed before nodding. "Yeah. He'd never go out with me, though." he sighed. James rolled his eyes. "How do you know if you never ask him?" he said. Thomas looked at him, confused. "Because I've been a jerk to him since forever..?" he asked, unsure. James grabbed Thomas's phone. "Text him." he said with finality. 

SassyMacoroni: Hey, Hamilton, would you maybe sorta consider going for coffee or something?

He took a deep breath before pressing send. About a minute later, his phone buzzed with his response. 

NonStop: Sure

Thomas grinned, angling his phone so James could see. "Yay!" James laughed. "My ship is sailing!" 

Thomas walked in to the cafe where they had agreed to meet up. Alex was sitting at a corner table, furiously writing in a small notebook. "Hey." he said, sitting down across from him. "Hi!" Alex said, suprised. "What're you writing?" Thomas asked. Alex shrugged. "Just some notes." They ordered their coffees and started talking. It was only after the waitress started cleaning up did they both realize they had been there for over 2 hours.  "Crap, I've gotta go." Alex exclaimed, standing up and grabbing his backpack. Thomas followed him outside. "You need a ride?" he offered. "Thanks!" Once they made it back to Alex's house, they both kinda stood there, talking for a while longer. Thomas's phone buzzed again, reminding him it was time to go. "Well, that was fun." he said. Alex nodded. "Yeah. We'll have to do it again sometime." Thomas smiled. "Definitely." He went to walk away. "Hey, Thomas." Alex called out." "Yeah?" Thomas asked, stopping. "Aren't you gonna kiss me goodnight?" he teased. Thomas blushed and laughed. "Silly me. I forgot." They closed the distance between the two of them, their mouths meeting. Thomas's phone started ringing, causing them to break apart. "See you tomorrow, Jeffershit." Alex whispered, quickly kissing him on the cheek before disappearing inside.  

Thomas picked up the phone. "Hey, James." he said. "How'd the date go?" James asked. Thomas laughed. "It was great!" James cheered. "Yes! That's awesome." Thomas climbed into his car. "Talk to you soon. Bye" he hung up the phone and drove back home with a huge grin on his face. 

Short chapter, yes, I know. I just needed to finish this one shot. I wanna say Merry Christmas/Hanuka or any other holiday. Stay safe and healthy! (PS, COVID SUCKS)

Stay Weird! 💙

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