Chapter 12

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Sam was just leaving Stockton when her phone rang. She did not recognize the number. She knew it was not Don or Patterson, since she had just left them.

"Hello?" she said picking up her phone, she didn't mean for her voice to sound shaky, but after the events of the past 24 hours, her nerves were beginning to fry.

"Sam?" Jax said on the other end. "Sorry, I am calling you from a pre-pay."

A rush of guilt came over her as she heard him breathing on the other end of the phone. She shook the feeling back down. She should not feel guilty. She was doing her job.

"Hey Jax," she said, calming down. "What's going on?"

"We are on lock down. I would like it if you came and laid low with us. That way you I know you are safe."

Sam could hear a hint of worry in his voice, but she knew she could not go into lockdown.

"Thank you for the offer, but I have to get back to the store. Margaret is there and I can't go into hiding and leave her and the rest of the staff. I will be fine Jax. Just keep those boys safe."

Sam thought she could hear Jax smile on the other end.

"OK, I understand. If you need anything, call my phone or any other member for that matter."

"I will Jax."

And with that, Sam hung up the phone.

Jax felt disappointed when he got off of the phone. He wanted to keep her safe. He was worried about her, he could not remember being worried about any other woman since Tara.

Tara. His Tara.

Jax slammed the pre-pay down on the table and left the office of Redwoody. He had work to do.

When Sam got back to the shop, she sent Margaret and the rest of the staff home early. The explosion the night before had sparked fear in the heart of Charming. Business had been nonexistent that day and Sam could tell her staff was tired.

"Look, today is Friday. We are going to close for the weekend, give the cops time to investigate and people time to realize they are not in danger. We will re-open on Monday," Sam told Margaret, Logan and a now purple- haired Candy.

Logan and Candy left quickly, before Sam could change her mind. Margaret stuck around.

"Are you sure?" She asked Sam.

"Yes, people are freaked. I think coffee is the last thing they want."

"Come home with me. Hang out with Dave and the kids."

Sam gave Margaret a big hug.

"I'm fine. This is going to be forced vacation for me. I intend on going upstairs, ordering crappy take out and not leaving until I have to open on Monday. Give my ankle one last big rest and watch the countless shows I have saved on my DVR." Sam said smiling.

Margaret did not look convinced.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Now go home and enjoy the weekend. Don't come back until Tuesday. You have earned this long weekend, I could not have gotten through this without you."

Margaret hugged Sam again and after making Sam promise she would call if she got lonely or if things got weird again on Main Street, she left.

Sam went behind the counter, got paper and a marker, and made a closed till Monday sign. She taped it to the front door and closed the lights to the shop. After making sure the front door was locked, Same went upstairs.
Sam was just leaving Stockton when her phone rang. She did not recognize the number. She knew it was not Don or Patterson, since she had just left them.

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