Chapter 26

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"So what is this, some kind of intervention or something?" Thomas asked from the back seat of the car.

"Or something," Jax said as he drove the car.

The Welcome to Charming sign greeted the small family. Sarah had stayed behind with Sam's parents. Charming was not part of her past.

Sam glanced behind her and could see recognition in Abel's eyes. Sam did not question him about his memories. She wanted him to figure it out for himself.

"How long are we here for?" Abel asked.

He was more willing to come on this trip than Thomas. The three of them had picked Thomas up from the jail and drove straight to the airport. Thomas was too hung over to really comprehend what was going on until the plane landed in Stockton. Once Thomas knew where they were going, he refused to get off the plane. Airport security had to escort him off.

"Just until tomorrow," Sam said. "This is just a quick trip."

"So I get arrested and we go to Charming. Was this your idea Sam?" Thomas said with sarcasm.

Since their fight, he no longer called her Ma. Sam tried not to show how much it hurt her. Jax reached over and grabbed her hand in reassurance.

"No Thomas, it was mine. You want to act like your life and your future don't matter. I am going to introduce you to some people who died so you could have a future."

Thomas put on his sunglasses and looked out the window.

"Right Dad, whatever." He said leaning his head back.

Jax pulled down Main St. He drove past the ice cream shop where a dozen of motorcycles were parked outside.

"You want to stop and see Chibs and Tig?" Sam asked.

"No," Jax responded quickly. "I said my good byes 13 years ago. This is not about me."

"Ma, your shop is still here," Abel said from the backseat.

Sam could see the sign for The Shop. She had not stepped foot in there since the night Gemma died. She had not talked to Margaret since she left California.

"Do you want to stop?" Jax asked.

"No, " Sam said. Like Jax, this was not about her. This was about saving her boys.

Jax kept driving.

Jax pulled into Charming Cemetery and drove their rental car to a familiar spot. More guests had taken up permanent residency, yet it looked the same as the day Sam fell and her world changed.

Jax put the car into park and turned it off. He looked off to the right and let out a heavy breath. Without saying a word, he opened the door. Sam and the boys followed.

Sam closed her door and looked at the confused look on her boys faces. Jax had already started walking.

"Follow your dad, " she said.

Thomas turned to her.

"You not coming?" he asked.

Sam shook her head.

Thomas and Abel followed their father down the hill, while Sam turned her back and went in the opposite direction. She had a few phone calls to make.

Abel and Thomas caught up to Jax who was standing in front of a grave.

"Dad?" Abel asked.

Jax did not look up from the smooth black stone with the name Harry "Opie" Winston on it.

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