Chapter 14

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Sam had been baking all night. It was what she did when she needed to clear her head.

The kitchen of The Shop was now filled with cookies, cakes and all different pastries. Sam had no clue who was going to eat it all; since they would not be fresh when the store opened Monday morning and she would need to bake new ones. But still, she kept on baking.

When Sam was given the assignment to come undercover into Charming, she needed to come up with a plausible reason for her being there. Single women renting a house, not working and showing up at the SAMCRO club house would easily arouse some suspicion. After doing some research into Charming, she noticed that the real estate was cheap and there was not a coffee house in miles. She set up her cover story as a small business owner and apparently, everyone has been buying her story.

Since returning from Jax's the night before, Sam had been in the kitchen. She kept trying to rid her head of the screams that came from Jax's kitchen, but she could not. Sam knew logically that it made sense leaving. Her mission was to bring down SAMCRO. She knew they did not kill innocents. So obviously, the man in the kitchen did something. But still, the guilt Sam was feeling was almost suffocating.

She was running through the Tara's murder again in her mind when she heard a loud banging on the front door. Sam looked at the clock and saw it was only 6:45 am.

Sam walked out into the store and stood still.


The whole store shook from the force of the knocking.

She made her way over to the window and peered out. Jax was staring right at her.

What was he doing there? Did he see her last night? No, that was impossible, she told herself.

She stepped back and tried to center herself. She need to be Sam Broker now, innocent and injured coffee shop owner, not a guilty undercover ATF agent.

She went and opened the door.

"I have been knocking for a while," Jax said pushing his way in.

"What's wrong?" she asked,closing the door and still concerned that maybe she had left a clue to her real whereabouts the night before. She was now angry that she returned her gun to its hiding place upstairs.

Jax turned around and looked at the empty store.

"Some of the guys drove through here last night and saw the closed sign. "

Sam relaxed and gave Jax a smug smile.

"Were you worried about me?"

"Why did you close the store?"

Sam heard the timer go off in the kitchen and motioned Jax to follow her to the kitchen.

"Business was really slow yesterday. My staff has been working overtime covering for me, so I thought everyone needed a break. We will open again on Monday."

Sam made her way over to the stove and pulled out hot pumpkin muffins.

Jax looked around at all the food.

"So, planning on eating all of this yourself?"

Sam smiled.

"I could not sleep. When I can't sleep I bake."

Jax pulled out a stool and sat in front of Sam. He grabbed one of the hot pumpkin muffins and started eating it. She was going to warn him they were hot, but it did not seem to bother him.

She started hand kneading a bowl of dough which would soon be donuts. Sam looked at Jax, wondering how he could be sitting in her kitchen, eating a muffin; when he was just torturing and killing a man a few hours before.

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