Chapter 24

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"Abel, stop throwing mud at your brother please?" Sam said with a laugh.

Abel and Thomas were playing in the backyard as the sun was setting over the Savannah River. Sam was sitting on the porch swing, watching the boys run around.

It was a beautiful spring evening and the boys were taking advantage of the longer days. Abel had found a patch of mud left over from the previous night's storm and was throwing it at Thomas, who was squealing with delight.

Sam was happy that it was bath night.

It has been six months since they left the West Coast. At first Abel cried for his Mommy and Daddy, but soon he became used to his new surroundings. Sam had enrolled him in a preschool and he was doing very well. A few times he had even called Sam mommy, but Sam was letting Abel set the rules with that. But she could not imagine loving two little boys anymore.

Sam had heard nothing from Jax. She was not sure if she ever would. Sam did not even know if Jax was alive or dead. She searched the internet every day for news from Charming, but so far, there had been nothing. She also did not want to risk their safety by reaching out to anyone in Charming. She just let the boys know that their daddy loved them and would be with them if he could.

"Ok boys, bath night!"

After Sam tucked the boys in to bed, she went back out on the porch. Thanks to money that Jax and Tara left she was able to renovate the house back to its former glory. She also did not need to work, but she knew she would want to work soon. Sam was not the kind of person to sit back and watch life, she needed to live it. She was seriously thinking about opening a coffee shop in town. But that would have to wait.

Sam sipped sweet tea and rubbed her growing belly. Jax had left her another parting gift. She found out she was pregnant a week after arriving in Savannah. At first she thought it was the stress of the move and the boys that was making her feel so run down, but when she got her first experience with morning sickness; she knew what was causing it. Their little girl would be born in a few months. Abel and Thomas were excited about the thought of having a little sister. Her phone rang and the baby kicked at the same time.

"Ow Sarah Grace, be nice to your Mama."

Sam looked and saw that it was her own Mom calling.

"I am fine and no I am not in labor." She said as she answered the phone.

Sam's family was very welcoming and loving towards Abel and Thomas. At first Abel was very guarded against another grandma like figure, but soon like everything else, he opened his heart up. She finally told her family the truth about Jax and the boys and about Tara's murder. They knew nothing they would say would change how Sam was living her life, so they accepted Sam's new family with no reservations.

"Love, I found the cutest big brother shirts. Do you think Abel and Thomas would want them?"

Sam smiled into the phone and started talking clothing sizes with her mom.

Sam hung up the phone shortly after and made her way back into the house. She locked the doors and the windows and turned on the security alarm. She went upstairs and checked on Thomas who was sucking his thumb in his crib. Sam could not believe he was almost two. He would be celebrating his birthday before his sister came. Sam was already arranging a little party. She rubbed his blonde hair and turned off the lamp that was on his dresser.

She went into Abel's room next. He was spread out on his bed hugging his bunny. Sam bent down and kissed him. When she went to turn off the light, she glanced at the picture that was on his nightstand. It was the picture of Jax, Tara, Abel and Thomas that had been hanging in his room in Charming. Sam promised Jax that the boys would not forget them and she was going to keep that promise.

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