Chapter 10

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 It's been a bit longer then an hour but I lost track of time when my brother turned on the TV :(

Anyways enjoy! :D

There will probably be a new chapter tomorrow or later on tonight as well. :)


Amity: POV

After Eda hung up the phone I went and told the twins. They said they would come and wanted me to wake them up in the morning.

This was all after I got Luz's phone from them so when I got back to my room I decided to go through Luz's gallery. I probably shouldn't have but I did anyways.

She only had 97 photos and 11 videos on her phone, and most of them were from today.

It wasn't long before I was called for dinner and went to bed only thinking to myself that Luz was going to be just fine.


My alarm went off at 7:30 so I could have a shower before the twins. I quickly had my shower and went to the twins room. I made sure to "SLAM" the door open and yelled at them."GET UP!" They rushed out of bed tripping on nothing and falling on the ground. All though Edric got stuck in his blanket and Emira didn't.

"WHAT THE HECK MITTENS!" Emira yelled followed by Edric "Yeah! YOU ALMOST GAVE US A HEART ATTACK!"

"Well do you want to go see Luz or not?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"YES!" They said at the same time getting off the floor and running to the showers.

"HURRY UP! EDA WILL BE HEAR IN 30 MINUTES!" I yelled as they ran down the hall and down the stairs.

It was 8:27 when we were dun and standing at the door. Eda pulled up at 8:29 and we got in her car to go too the hospital.

"Ready to go?" Eda said looking through the rear mirror.

"YUP" we all said at the same time

"Ok. We should get there at 9:15 because I'm going to pick something up for Camilla." She said pulling out of the drive why.

I looked out the window and replied with "Yeah, that's fine."



We pulled into the drive through at MacDonalds about 30 minutes later too pick something up for Camilla.

When it was are tern too order Eda turned too face Edric and me in the back " did you kids want anything?"

"Ummm, not really. Maybe a Coca-Cola would be nice." I replied looking away from the window and at her

"OH! Coffee would be nice" Edric said with a smile.

She then turn too Emira who was already looking her direction " what about you?"

"Oh, umm, tea would be nice thank you."

"No problem" she said turning to order "Ummm, yeah, can I add 1 Coca-Cola, 2 coffees and a tea please?"

"Yup, Is that it?" The employee asked

"Yes that is thank you" Eda then pulled up to get what she ordered, gave us what she got us and left too the hospital.


I'm sorry this isn't that long but I wanted too post it with in an hour. It has been a little over an hour  but not that much. :)

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always  Have a good day afternoon or night! :D

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