Fluke: Surprise

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It's Thursday. Fluke's beloved will be back tomorrow and he can't help but grin thinking about it though he's quite wondering why that person not sending him any message.

"Fluke, let's eat first before going na! I'm really hungry", Earth pout while saying those words.

"Sure. Sorry Earth, I drag you to accompany me buying these stuffs for him", Fluke apologetically look at Earth.

"Don't mind. I love shopping. You are my best friend so its natural. After a dinner, are you going to put a ribbon at your neck as a present to that person", Earth jokingly ask Fluke.

Fluke suddenly blush. "Earth! Stop teasing, you know I can't do that". Earth just laughs seeing Fluke's reaction.

Though Fluke and that person been in that moment for a couple times, Fluke can't help but to feel shy. He love every memory he had with that person.  Fluke decide to just cook dinner and cuddle with his love  because that person will be tired from his flight.

"As a token if gratitude, I'll take you to our favorite 5-star restaurant", Fluke smiles widely while dragging Earth.

Fluke smiles while looking at the ambience of the restaurant. Memories of him and his love flashes befire his eyes. Earth excuse himself and decided to go to the restroom while waiting for their order.

He took a quick glance again at the surroundings but something or should he say someone got his attention.

On the far end of the restaurant, there is a guy and a girl. The guy said something that make the girl shake her head and reach for the guy's hand. They look like a perfect couple.

Fluke blink twice. That silhouette, that lips, that nose that he love to pinch and that smile. His heart beating like crazy is proof that person is really his P'Ohm. Unknowingly, he stand up which cause the chair to fall at the ground and create a noise. Both Ohm and the girl look at his direction.

Their eyes met. Fluke saw how the shock is written on Ohm's face.  Fluke swallow his own salive before looking at hands on the table. He steps back before running away from that scene.


Not Noo nor Love, just Fluke. He heard Ohm's voice. Fluke run fast, he just run, when he see an alley he runs there and cross the street and runs again with no direction. He stumbles but stand up and run again. Finally, he got tired, he stop and sit in the corner of the street. He looks around afraid that Ohm will find him. He shouts for a taxi before asking the taxi driver to bring him to the nearest beach. He text Earth saying sorry.

He walks slowly, Fluke smiles when he see how beautiful the sunset. After texting Earth he turns ofd his phone. He sits in the sand, the smiles turns to thin line before a low sobs fills the air. Reality follow him like crazy. Ohm lie to him, the rumors are true, he is here in Thailand but he never contacted him. He is with someone else. They look good together.

He is planning a surprise but got a painful surprise instead.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Fluke shouts and shouts at the sea in front of him. Wishing all the scene happened is just a dream. The night wind blows and the rain start to fall but Fluke just stay there. Crying his eyes out.

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