In Real Trouble!

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"Um...hello.." I slightly waved at the red headed woman in a lab coat.

"I'm Dr. Dearing, and your dad wanted you to come with me to the lab, he wants you to study here for the summer, but since summer is in one month, he wants you to start no." She said as I followed her to the building. I felt my crush shatter into a million pieces. I knew this trip would suck, but I didn't think it would suck this much. I sighed as we walked into the lab, and up the metal stairs. We walked inside another room with only had scientist in it. So it was probably of limits to the citizens.

I looked around seeing scientist testing with beakers and big glass containers with...alien...things?

"You can start with this but for now let me introduce you into a special person." She said putting a packet of papers on a table and taking my hand.

"This is Brian, he is Jurassic Worlds chief dinosaur expert. His role is to help the world understand more about dinosaurs."

"Nice to meet you little lady, but I have to go now so I'll see you later." The man in glasses said, smiling and walking away.

"Okay so your suppose to do that phanflet until your father gets here. I have to do research know so I'll be back." She smiled walking away. I walked back to the table and pulled out a pencil. I looked at the first question.

'What was the length of the T Rex's longest tooth?' What!? How the hell am I suppose to know that!? I've been here for literally an hour! Forget this. I stood up, grabbing my phone, wishing I had my iPod instead but whatever. I looked around, making sure no one was looking as I slipped out of the door and into the main lobby. I smiled as I walked down the stairs and away from everybody. I opened the front door and walked into the sea of people.

I looked around seeing a giant sign reading 'Gentle Giants Petting Zoo' I smirked as I walked ahead into the line, seeing as it was insanely long, I decided to try something. I walked ahead of the line, blocking out the protest and people telling me to get back. I walked up to the man and held out my wrist.

"I'm an Apex member." He looked at me up and down and nodded. I walked ahead into the zoo, seeing baby Dino's and kids petting them. I looked around, seeing a baby one alone.

'Terra The Triceratops.' Is what the sign said next to it. I walked up to it, but It looked as it was scared. I held my arm out to try and touch it but It started screeching, causing the rest to start screeching, making the children cry. Several men arrived and looked at me. I looked around seeing a fence.

I quickly climbed it, still ignoring not only the protest, but the screams and yells as well. I quickly ran as fast as I could through the horde of people surrounding me, hearing the close footsteps of the men behind me. After countless minutes of running, I stopped and looked aroun, I saw a huge sign reading 'Aquatic Park' I quickly ran through the gate, ignoring the man scanning the bracelets. I ran up to a water slide and started climbing the emergency later, seeing as the line looked a decade long, as did everything else here did...Just for a slide I mean cmon, there are like nineteen more. I looked down seeing the several men climbing after me.

I eventually arise at the top and pushed as many people out of the way, but felt a tug on my arm. I turned seeing a guard yelling at me. I quickly kicked him in the knee and pushed him as hard as I could, sending him off of the rail and into the pool. I started laughing histarclly but was grabbed again. I pushed the man as hard as I could, pushing him into another guy, sending them both down the water slide. I laughed once again.

"That was my husband!" As lady in her maybe 40s yelled at me.

Just then she shoved my I fell off the rail but still held on. The slide was just a ways from the entrance, making it clearly visible and in my sight. But then to my bad luck I see my dad walking past it. Shiz. He's going to the lab. I gotta get the before-

"You pushed my Dady!" A little boy said as he stomped on my hand. Just then a little girl. Came and started stomping with him. Two kids were enough, as I went flying into the water.

I swam back up, catching my breath. As I felt me self being picked up out of the water. Several wet guards surrounded me, putting hand cuffs on me. The worst part of all, that cute guy and his brother were watching from a side. I sighed as they pushed me along out of the park.

"Where the hell are your parents!" One screamed.

"In the lab." I simply said, making them push me in the direction. Eventually we arrive there, as there were many other guards out side of the lab. One walked over to us.

"Are you a Vanessa?" I nodded. He grabbed me by the shoulder and dragged me inside. They pushed me up the stairs and into the off bases area. They opened the door and the fist thing i see is Dr. Dearing sitting on the floor next to watt and glass and my dad helping pick up the glass. He looked up at me and stood up, crossing his arms. He looked up and down my wet figure.

"Mr. Grady we caught her at the water park, after making a disturbance to not only the people but the dinosaurs as well and pushing us into water, along with one other civilian. Since you are working here and are a member we will let her off with a warning, and community service at the park for one week." My mouth dropped at what the guard said.

"Thank you, and It won't happen again, I promise." My dad said sternly, his eyes not leaving my figure with his jaw clenched. As the guards walked out of the room, my dad grabbed me and yanked towards the mess.

"What the hell Vanessa!? Really?! What the hell were thinking? You disobeyed me, fought with guards and broke something very expensive that I'm going to have to pay for!" He yelled, pointing down at the mess. I saw what looked like a baby dino with wires attached to it.

"But I didn't-" I was cut off by a smack to the face. My eyes widened as I felt the burning sensation on my face.

"Your now grounded, I let you use your phone but now you can't have it anymore. All summer long your gonna be in the hotel room! You won't leave for anything understand!? I was gonna ground you for about month but now since you lied!? Two more weeks are added.! Do you understand or do I have to repeat self!?" He yelled, making many other scientist crowd around. I slightly nodded as I held my burning face and as tears poured down my face.

"Go sit in the corner until it's time to go!" He pointed to the far corner at the other side of the room. I quickly walked other their and sat down, hugging me knees as I cried more and more.


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