Isla Nublar

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I looked up to see a giant Island with docks in the front. I tapped my dads shoulder multiple times, but he was too interested reading about the park.

"Dad" I whispered. I tapped his shoulder more, getting him annoyed.

"Vanessa what!?" He hissed looking up. He stood up and leaned forward against the rail. I stood up too, leaning against him as we got closer to the island. Sooner or later we were right in front of the small harbor. We exited the ferry and got onto the deck, following the rest of the group.

"Please follow our attendant and I hope you all have a wonderful time at Jurassic World." A lady with a blue shirt and cap said to us. Dad walked up to her and started talking while I looked around, seeing various plants and people around me. I look around, seeing that Boy and that little kid walking up the gates and toward the monorail. I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking behind I see the lady.

"Are you lost miss?" She asked turning her head.

"Um no I'm just waiting for my dad, Owen."

"Oh your father! He wanted me to escort you to the lab." She signaled me to follow. I grabbed my bags and followed silently behind her.

"So are you excited to be here?" She said turning her head to me.

"Yeah it's great. What kind of dinosaurs do you guys have here?"

"Oh all sorts! From T-Rex to Apatosaurus. Your dad will be working with some of them."

"Really? Which ones?"

"The Velociraptors" she said calmly as she continued walking. I felt a knot in my stomach.

"Aum- velociraptors...carnivores, are they as vicious as I read they are?"

"Yes, we usually feed them live goats. They like to hunt their prey." She said as she pulled out a radio.

"Hey Liz, can you send Issac down by the docks with a jeep? I have to escort a girl to the lab."

"Sure thing." The 'radio' replied. A few minutes later I see a silver jeep with Aqua blue designs and the Jurassic World logo on the door, driving down the separate road away from the monorail. We climbed into the jeep, and buckled ourselves in.

"So the creation lab then?" He asked

"Mhm." The jeep started driving through the jungle. I looked around seeing as the plants decrease after time.after a while we passed a lake, with swans flying around it. I quickly took out my phone and took a picture.

"You think that was pretty, wait until you see the rest of the island." She passed me a phanflet. I opened it, seeing a whole map of the island. It had a giant lake on the middle of it.

"What's that lake?" I said showing it to her.

"That is the Mosasaurus feeding show." I have no idea what a Mosasaurus is but it sound pretty weird.

"Is there a picture of a velociraptor on this?" I asked.

"No. The velociraptor isn't part of the park yet. Where training them to be more...civil and domesticated. There too big of a danger, and that's one of the reasons why your father is here." I looked around to see that we are now barely out of the jungle. I looked ahead to see the monorail. We eventually pass under it and head to the actual park, following it.

The jeep stops at the very entrance of the park.

"Let's have a tour shall we?" We climbed out of the jeep as the jeep drove away. We started walking through the park, passed the thousands of people crowding the area.

"Wow." I say looking around.

"That right there is The Winstons Steak House. And over there is the Hilton Isla Nublar Resort. Up ahead is the mosasaur feeding show, and actually, it's my time."
She said looking down at her watch.

"Okay now I'm not supposed to do this but I'm taking you to the show. Your first day here, might as well be exciting right?" She said grinning. I smiled. I'm so excited! She pulled out something firm her back pocket.

"Okay wear this, they'll have to scan you in order for you access in the show. And it's the Apex Predator Package. Only our most elite members get this." She said putting a light blue bracelet with the Jurassic World logo and 'Apex Access' on the side. It also had a little glass circle on it.

"Cmon." She said dragging me ahead. We stopped at a kiosk in front of a huge stadium that looks like it's been cut in half, with a giant lake in front, and an incoming monorail. The man scanned my wrist and let us pass through. I started walking up the steps to an empty seat but she stopped me.

"Wanna see up close?" I smiled and nodded. She walked me over to a platform sticking out away from the seats. She picked up a microphone and attached it to her ear.

"Welcome! Ladies and gentlemen!" She yelled. The crowd goes wild.

"Are you ready to see the feeding of this giant Beutiful creature?!" The crowd screams again. She walks over to a button and pushes it. I look i front, seeing a giant crane with a great white shark attached hovering over the lake.

"Okay folks, she's a little shy so, give her a hand when she comes out." I pulled out my phone and set it to video. There was silence, but suddenly a giant monster plunged out of the water and chomped the shark off of the rope. And created a giant wave, sending me back a few feet covered in water. I looked up seeing the crowd soaking wet and cheering their lives out. I laughed as did the attendant.

"By the way my name is Lucy." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me up. I turned around toward the exit when I saw that kid walking towards it as well. He looked up at me and stopped, until the little brother pulled him by the arm. I followed Lucy out the exit and towards the same jeep we drove here in. We climbed in and drove ahead.

"That right there is the Innovation Center, or you can call it the Visitors Center of you want to. The feeding show isn't the only attractions. We have the Galluminus Valley, T-Rex kingdom, Triceratops Territory, Cretaceous Cruise, Pachy Arena, Underwater observatory, you name it kid." She said as we drove by several enclosures.

I smiled as we passed each one, with me reading the sign. But my smile soon faded as we passed the biggest one, with a giant sign in front reading 'Bigger. Louder. More Teeth. Indominus Rex. Coming this summer.' I snapped a picture of it, as I did for the rest. We eventually arrived at a building, away from everything but close enough to the creation lab. I climbed out of the jeep.

"Looks like I leave you here kid. Hope you have fun and be careful."she smiled at me as the jeep drove away.

I heard footsteps behind me.

"You must be Vanessa."


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