A decent show

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Vanessa's POV

I hummed the song that was playing on my iPod as I walked through the streets of the park. Yesterday my dad gave me back my headphones and ipod only if I behaved, and he also promised to take me on a tour but he had to work so he let me go alone, as long as I stay away from the dinosaurs. Psh. I can take care of my self.

I pulled the map of the park out of my back pocket and unfolded it.

"Okay. How about the leaf?...Botanical Gardens." I looked up from the map and searched the area, spotting the big glass dome I once saw in the distance. I folded the map up and put it in my packet again and walked forth.

I passed several kiosks and buildings, but stopped. I sighed in frustration as I didn't know where I was.

"Where the hell am I!?" I whispered to myself. I opened the map up again and studied it. I looked up seeing a sign that read, 'Main Street'. I walked forth looking around, only stopping when I saw the dome, now closer than before. I continued through the sea of people, pushing both kids and elders out of my way. I walked up the many steps leading to the top I've a mountain.

Once I got to the top I noticed a sign that said Botanical Gardens. I put the map back and walked through the big glass doors, along with many others.

I looked around in amazed as the bright colors from the plants lit up the area. I walked up to one that caught my eye. It was a bright blue and purple. I held my hand up to it and picked it. I looked up, my smile fading as I noticed the many disgusted looks from people. One man pointed to a sign that read 'Please do not pick flowers.' I rolled my eyes and walked ahead, admiring the many beautiful plants. I took my iPod out and snapped pictures of each one that caught my eye, making an album entitled 'prehistoric plants'

I opened the doors to the exit and walked down the many steps, heading towards the hotel. I put the flower in my ear, as I walked down the street. Maybe I can visit Dr. Dearing in the innovation center. I walked down passed the hotel towards the giant pyramid. Until I noticed something I really wish I hadn't. Tyrannosaurus Kingdom. I observed many families walking through the entrance.

I tapped my foot, deciding if I should go.

"Ah what the hell." I walked forth into the new area. I noticed the long line of people In front of the gate. I walked passed the crowd of people, once more getting dirty looks. Jeez people need to-

"Hey get the hell in the back!" A man yelled as he grabbed my arm. I smacked him across the face and ran ahead. I let the man scan my Apex Pass and walked into the building. The first thing I see is a jungle with metal gates surrounding it. Many posters fill the room with information and warnings about the Trex. Many people crowd the window, making it so i can't see. I sigh as I look around. I noticed a door that said 'No Entrance' I looked around, making sure I was unnoticed and slipped through the door, leading to the roof. I sat down on the ledge and observed the show.

A platform lifted from a hole which had a goat on it. I quickly pulled my iPod out and set it to video and pressed record. I waited patiently for something to happen. Just then a loud roar was heard from the trees making me cover my ear with the unattended hand. I heard loud stomping and then I saw it. The giant brown Trex slowly mad it's way to the front. I gaped in amazement as it studied the goat. The it swiped at it, shaking its head, making blood fly everywhere.

I felt a warm liquid run down my face. I stood up and ran to the door, and out of trex kingdom, and into the innovation center.


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