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♡"Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.” –  Coretta Scott King"♡

C H A P T E R   T W O

"What occurs when the body responds to the environment by maintaining a stable internal environment despite changing external conditions?" The science professor Mr. Crawford asked as he paced the room.

No one answered or raised their hand. He sighed before his eyes started scanning the room.

Pleased don't pick me
Please don't pick me
Please don't pick me.

"Ms. James! Would you do us the honors of answering my question"
I closed my eyes briefly before looking up at Mr. Crawford.

"Homeostasis" sounded confident in my head but when it came out of my mouth it was shaky and unsure sounding.
Science has always been my weak subject all through high school I got D's and barely passed the class itself. Thankfully Mr. Crawford said that this week was gonna be review week, which meant he was gonna test us on how much we remember from high school

"Don't second guess yourself, Ms. James, next question!"

It was nearly the end of the day, only 4:25 but I could feel my eyes drooping. Today was the first day of classes and to say im exhausted would be an understatement. I already had a ton of homework due by the end of the week that I know I won't be able to finish and on top of that Emma is forcing me to go to some Cafe, which she and her friends go to every day after classes. I told her I would, of course, I've only known the girl barely two days and she's already bossing me around, not that I mind.

An elbow digging into my side caused me to yelp, I turned to the side and saw a blonde boy with a big smile on his face.
" you seem like your new I'm Matthew West, you can call me Matt" he whispered.

"Devon James and yeah today's my first day" I whispered back.

"That's surprising, the headmaster usually doesn't let new people join in their second year"
I shook my head "oh im a freshman, I just applied for a lot of sophomore classes"

"Oh cool"
Matt looked away from me and followed Mr. Crawford with his eyes. "Any idea what the hell that dudes talking about?" He asked
I shook my head "not a clue"
He laughed before looking at the time on his phone. "What are you doing after this?" He asked

"Oh my roommate Emma invited me to some Cafe that all her friends meet up at," I said.
He lifted an eyebrow "Emma Lockart?"
"That's the one"
The goofy grin of his reappeared on his face. "That's my best friends little sister, and one of my closest friends, oh and the Cafe is called Harleys"

I smiled back at him "small world"

As soon as the bell rang indicating the end of the class, Emma was texting me.
Emma: Don't forget about the cafe!

I rolled my eyes before texting back

Me: yes I know

"See you at Harleys Devon!"  Matt said as he left the classroom. As much as I wanted to go meet more of Emma's friends, the idea of collapsing on my bed and taking a 2-week long map was tempting.

I stopped by my dorm to grab my wallet and car keys before rushing out to my car. Once again I was surprised by the heat. Suddenly my black hoodie was way too hot for my liking. I pulled the hoodie off and chucked it in my passenger seat, revealing my black ACDC shirt.

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