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♡" time heals all"♡


It's been three hours since the party and were still looking for Noah. Matt took Connor back to his dorm room and Emma stayed at Noah's apartment just in case he came home. While I and Matt were driving around town, Izzy was at Harleys, waiting just like Emma was.

I sat in the parking lot above the beach, deep in thought. We had looked almost everywhere in town for Noah. Except for one place.
The hole.
What if when he stormed off he never left the beach?

I shivered slightly when I stepped out of my car. It wasn't freezing but I never changed out of my bikini I just put my shirt over it. Walking towards where the party was, I cringed at the garbage and empty beer cans. I walked along the area until I spotted two figures, one was a girl, her blonde hair standing out, she was sitting on the other person's lap. As I get closer I recognized who it was.

"Noah come one" The girl whined. Noah said nothing and just pushed her off his lap.
"get outta here Makayla"
So this was Makayla Spencer huh?
Makayla sighed angrily and stormed off, barely glancing my way as she passed me.

As I got closer to Noah I could smell the alcohol on him, he had a cigarette between his teeth which I yanked out and threw into the water.
I narrowed my eyes at him and pointed a thumb in the direction of the parking lot.
"Come on let's go, I'm not staying here all night," I told him.
Noah flipped me off and returned to staring at the water. "Get lost"

This is gonna be harder than I thought.
I grabbed ahold of the back of his shirt and pulled. He yelped and stood up unwillingly. Still holding his shirt I started walking to the parking lot. I felt him stumble but followed me nonetheless.
"Okay, what about 'get lost' do you not understand?" He asked angrily "Bloody hell woman, you're choking me!"

I let go of his shirt and spun around to face him. "Your sister and friends are worried sick about you! Even Connor! Who you beat up I'm might add" he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"And that's my problem how?"
I threw my arms up and groaned loudly.
"Jesus you're so selfish! Your twin sister is so worried about you, your best friend is driving around in hopes of finding you, Izzy is at Harleys just in case you decide to go there and poor Connor is laying in bed cause he can barely move and here you are acting like your the victim!"

Noah's face changed then. A series of emotions passed over his face. Guilt? Fear? Anger maybe? It was hard to tell, he covered them up so fast. It was like he didn't want me to see that he felt guilty. I mean I would feel pretty guilty too if all my friends were looking for me.

Noah didn't say anything just walked past me to my car and climbed into the passenger seat.

Emma sent me directions to Noah's apartment so I wouldn't have to talk to the idiot next to me, thank God. It was quiet the whole way to his apartment, I wanted to apologize for not only the argument after the fight but also for calling him selfish. I didn't think he was at all, not that I knew very much about him. He just didn't seem like the type to be selfish.
A part of me wanted to know more about him but another part was telling me to stay away from him.

Who is Noah Lockhart and why is he so angry?

It's been a week since the party, I haven't seen much of anyone besides Emma and Matt.  The beginning of the semester tests got everyone busy, I don't remember the last time I got a good night's sleep. Emma wakes up earlier than me because her classes start before mine, so she ends up getting both our coffee before she has to leave.

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