Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


I wasn't sure being back home was any better than being in a castle full of vampires. The scent that hit me when I walked through the front door was enough for me to instantly walk back outside. Gods, Nathan and Lila made it difficult to simply breathe with the bond in place.

We all decided to talk on the front porch instead, where Eric and I recapped everything that happened while we were gone. With the alphas back, I could see the concern written on either of their faces, alongside the fatigue from having to get up and leave without warning.

That didn't make them any less on edge though. By the time I finished telling them the story about our new Sponsor, Nathan's eyes flashed silver. "Orion is on our side, again? You mean the same way he was when he left us for dead?"

"He said he had to, or else the blood would have turned him into a monster and murdered us all. So technically this outcome is better than the alternative." Eric muttered.

"Still doesn't sit right with me." Lila ground out.

Her and Nathan were holding hands, nearly holding onto one another for dear life. Their connection was stronger than before, so much so that I could feel it while just being around them. The power that thrummed between the two made me want to bow my head in submission.

Luckily I stayed rooted on the spot while Markus' focus shifted to Eric and I. "So we won't know how long this will last for?"

Eric shook his head. "Said it could take months, but hopefully sooner. We just gotta track someone, I'm sure it won't be too hard." I highly doubted that, but didn't dare mention it. "With Orion watching all of us, Seojoon and I being gone shouldn't be too dangerous. He's more powerful than almost all of us combined, so you're not losing out on much anyways."

No one liked the way he worded it, but knew better than to start an argument with Eric. We discussed further on what we should do in the upcoming weeks. With our phones still available to us, we'd still be in contact with the Shadow Pack, and the others would inform us on anything going on back home in case of an emergency.

There was still a lingering tension within the pack, and even though we expected something to happen, it still didn't make it any easier. None of us were happy with the deal, but there was also that unspoken agreement that having Orion watch over us wasn't entirely bad. As long as we could trust him, he'd be a huge asset.

When it seemed we had nothing else to talk about, we walked inside and had dinner together. It was difficult to do with the memory of the bloodied marble still being fresh in my mind, suppressing my appetite enough that I only ate half a plate of food. More questions were sent in our direction, making Eric and I answer to the best of our abilities. Soon afterwards, I headed up to my bedroom and opened my windows as wide as I could to air it out. Lila was nearing the end of her heat cycle thankfully, but it was still affecting most of us in the house.

The only one who didn't seem to be fazed was Markus. He shrugged off the scent as if it didn't bother him whatsoever. I groaned in agony to know I was the complete opposite. My libido had always been high, not as much as Evan's, but close enough that I'd need to go on runs some nights to blow off some steam. I didn't want to admit it to myself, but Eric only made it worse after a run with our wolves, seeing him naked and panting with sweat dripping down his-

"Not the time." I whispered to myself and grabbed a paintbrush to distract myself.

I was halfway through a painting when the door behind me opened, and someone stepped inside. I took in a deep breath, and let it out in a sigh.

"Eric." I said while bringing a red stroke to life. "Are you here to pester me?"

Silence, as usual followed. I didn't stop moving the brush on the canvas, even when I finished The Matriarch's dress that led down into a pool of blood, blending it until both were indiscernible.

Footsteps grew closer to me, and I finally put the paintbrush down to turn and face him. His black hair was a mess, falling over his blue eyes and hiding the beauty of them. The only thing that ruined his appearance was that damned scowl. He always looked upset, as if something was perpetually bothering him.

"Why the hell did you agree so quickly? We should have talked about it first."

He sounded annoyed, but his deep voice made it hard to really read his tone. "You would have said no, and then what? I doubt they'd let us walk away. A favour for a favour remember? It wouldn't have been so simple. At least now we have Orion on our side."

"On our side?" Eric's voice rose. "He's a fucking vampire."

"And we're shifters." I said. "Why does it matter?"

"Why does it..." Eric shook his head and turned. He already had on his sleepwear, a deep blue t-shirt and loose fitted sweatpants. I didn't look for long because my attention returned to his face when he spoke again.
"They can kill us, that's why. I don't want them hurting any of us." Eric sounded more exhausted now. "I don't care if it was me going in there, but not you Seojoon."

The concern in his expression was fleeting, but I saw it. I could almost sense it through our pack bond. "I feel the same way. If you're going in, I'm going in with you. So I guess it's us two together then."

Eric watched me for a moment then turned to face the wall, his fingers clenching and unclenching at his side. It was quiet for a few long seconds, but he broke the silence soon afterward. "When we're with them, stay beside me alright? Don't split up, even if they tell us to."

I tilted my head and eyed him curiously while I parted my lips and answered. "Deal."

"And if Orion puts a hand on you, I can't promise I won't do anything."


"Also The Matriarch. I don't trust her. Stay away from her too."

"Is that all?"

Eric finally looked back at me, and his expression softened instantly. "Just be careful, alright?"

I felt an ounce of warmth in my chest from his concern. "I'll try not to die, just as long as you keep yourself safe too."

A scoff, and then the conversation was over. Even then he stood in the room, walking towards the easel and scrunching his nose to it like it offended him. I couldn't blame him though, The Matriarch wasn't something we wanted to think about, but I had to paint her. Despite how terrifying she was, she was also beautiful, but I guess that goes for most pretty things. A rose had its thorns after all.

"Will you sleep okay tonight?" I asked him while he stared at the canvas beside me.

Eric's lips pursed, and crossed his arms over his chest defensively. "Should be fine."

"Your insomnia has been worse lately." I said, my voice laced with unease. "Would it be easier if I stayed in your room?"

We knew the answer to that already, because each time we slept near one another he rested easier. Neither of us admitted it, but I knew well enough what the answer was.

Then I thought about Lila, how her presence was messing with my senses, and realized it was a bad idea. I was about to object but Eric shook his head anyways.

"I'll manage on my own, but thanks." He turned to the door and spoke while making his way toward it. "I'll get enough sleep for tomorrow, until then we should try to prepare for whatever the hells gonna happen when we get there."

I didn't want to even consider how it would go. Us being in a room full of vampire. It went against everything I was told growing up. Stay away from them, they're beasts, monsters; they'll kill you if they get the chance. My fingers lifted to the pin on my collar and I took it off to stare at it, to look at the red rose that was infused with Orion's blood.

After I saw what the Rebel's did only a few months before, I wasn't so sure if we were much different than them after all.

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