Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


When the doors swung open, I couldn't move. Hundreds of eyes turned to us, and suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to turn back around and leave.

"Easy." Eric whispered beside me while taking a step forward.

If it weren't for him, I wasn't sure I'd have found the courage to continue into the room. We took our time stepping inside, no one breaking their focus from us the entire way through. I noticed a few of their gazes meeting our necks, disappointment flashing over their features at the sight of the crest lingering there before finally returning to their conversations.

Unfortunately, the crest wasn't enough to dissuade most of them because they still watched us closely while we made our way in. We managed to weave through the throng of vampire, having to twist our upper bodies to pass a group that didn't move out of the way when we approached. I was sick to my stomach by the time we made it through to the other side.

"God, it smells in here." Eric cursed.

"That's your concern right now?" I whispered despite knowing anyone nearby could easily hear us. "I'm more concerned they'll have us as an appetizer."

Just on cue, the one nearest to us glanced in our direction and smiled. I looked away before he could get any ideas. "Let's move, far left corner."

Eric followed close behind me while I passed a few more vampire, and finally managed to make it to the corner of the room. A weight seemed to lift off my shoulders when I reached it. I felt safer when I wasn't so out in the open, and having my back and sides closed off.

"Relax, they won't hurt us." Eric muttered.

"You really believe that?"

"If they were telling the truth, yes. If not, then we'd already be dead."

He wasn't wrong, but I didn't admit it. "For a husband, you really do pester me a lot, don't you?" I asked but kept my eyes on everyone but him.

There were easily two-hundred vampire in the room with us. The tall ceilings were lined in gold, where chandeliers sparkled and casted specks of white light whenever it reflected off the crystal. The walls reminded me of the colour of sand, an off white shade that warmed the room enough that if I weren't surrounded by predators, I might have felt relaxed.

A staircase of sandy marble lead up to another floor, though I didn't want to consider what was up there. Every possible image popped into my head, and I tried to keep the dismal thoughts away in case my unease alerted anyone in the room.

Eric reached out when a waiter passed us with a tray of shot glasses and took one, giving it a quick sniff before downing it in one swallow. I looked at him aghast and watched as he stepped forward with his ringed hand extended to me. "Dance with me."

My stomach dropped. Why the hell did this have to happen here of all places? "Did you consider that whatever you just drank could be dangerous?"

"Smelt and tasted like vodka to me." Eric took another step forward, bringing his hand closer to me. I stared at it, looking at the ring I had given him weeks ago, and glared back up at him when he spoke again. "As I said, may I have this dance, honey?" He smirked lazily, finding this to be far more amusing than I would have liked.

"Idiot." I said beneath my breath and took his hand while tugging him to the side. "Fine, but let's stick to the sidelines. We don't want to gain their attention any more than we already have."

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