Authors Note

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Everything Restored will be the second instalment in my Pack of Shadows series following the romance between two male characters. This will include adult content; such as detailed sex scenes.

Huge trigger warnings for; low mental health, depression, healed self harm scars and possible others

It's not incredibly necessary to have read Everything Anew to read this (since this is following different POV's) , but there will be parts from the first book that will come up in this one (especially since this starts where the first book leaves off). It would be nice if you read Everything Anew first, but it isn't necessary.

If you haven't read Everything Anew, a full recap is located at the end of the first story. Please read that before continuing if you haven't read book one.


The story behind these two characters; Han Seojoon and Eric are two important characters to me. Eric is my darker half, the one that overwhelms me most days and drains my energy, while Seojoon is the rare side of me that shines through when I'm happy and feeling creative. They both reflect two different sides of myself and they're both very important to me.

That being said, Eric is a difficult character to like at times, but I hope you see the small glimmers of his true self as well as notice that maybe he's not as bad of a person as he portrays himself to be (I show his character struggling through depression the same way I do at times, but his case is more severe than my own. Please be cautious reading any chapters that may upset you).

Love you all! And as always, I hope you enjoy <3


Side Note: Explanation of Seojoon's pronouns 

Seojoon's pronouns change depending on the form they take. For the most part, everyone refers to Joon as 'he/him' because he's usually in his human form and it's also his preferred pronouns. When talking about Seojoon in the form of a wolf, 'she/her' pronouns are used, and when discussing both together 'they/them' is used (though calling Seojoon 'they' is fine too if someone isn't sure what to use).

The pronoun changes don't happen often, but I wanted to clarify it for future chapters again JUST to make sure.

So simply put:

Human (form) / Preferred pronouns- He/Him

Referring to Wolf conscious or When shifted into wolf form-She/Her

Referring to wolf and human conscious combined/Can be used anytime-They/Them

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