Let's fall in love someday (Sebek x reader)

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((Request by @Teddybear_simpz ))
(( Sebek Zigvolt x genderless reader))
((I don't own either Twisted Wonderland nor the picture above (author's Twitter: @"kinamitttu_"). Credits to their respective authors))

((this is a long chapter.. sorry ._.))

Narrator's POV:

Silence... pure HORRIFIC, uncomfortable silence... it has been almost 10 minutes since y/n started trying to solve the problem on the board written by the professor Crewel.
*God, this is totally wrong! Why did I sit infront TODAY!? Of all days! Why?!*
The middle aged man sighed looking at the y/h/c haired just to say: "are you done?"

Y/n had officially lost every last bit of will to show their face in public with dignity.
"Just sit down, y/l/n." Those words freed them from their misery as they ran back to their sit.
"Anyone else who can answer this?" Crewel asked just to find out that everyone avoided his gaze... *Oh my gods, my students are dumb dogs.* was written all over his face.

"Well, at least now they can't call you dumb for trying. They aren't any smarter than you and me." Grimm whispered cheering words to his prefect.

But suddenly someone raised their hand.
"It's a pretty simple equation. I can solve it." Now y/n was the one sighing annoyed just by hearing Sebek Zigvolt's voice.

-"It's i pritty simpli iquitiin. I cin silvi it, ñeñeñe.."

The simple comment made the green haired boy stop and turn to them with anger written all over his face.
- "what did you say you mortal?!"
- "whit did yii siy yii mirtil?!" They kept the mockery standing up to face the apparent cause of their horrible attitude.

*fxck, here we go again...*
That's exactly what everyone else was thinking as they looked as the scene the two adolescents had been making for the sixth time this month, AND THE MONTH WAS JUST BEGINNING!

-"Shut up!" The white and Black haired teacher slammed one of the laboratory tables with his wand. Everyone froze in fear... Professor Divus Crewel was angry... really angry.

".. e-excus—"
—"No. I think I'm speaking for everyone in this lab when I say I'm not having another Shitzu vs green Labrador fight!"
No one knew how to respond to that...

- "Shit...zu?" Y/n tilted their head.
- "green Labrador..?" Sebek tried to imagine that so hard.

-"Just..! go to Crowley's office." Crewel was DONE.

Sebek and Y/n looked at each other.
- "you had to open your mouth, mortal."
- "this is your fault..!"
- "how is it my fault!"

But as they were about to walk out the door, a loud noise came from far behind in the storage room from the lab. Everyone turned to see what it was while the dictator of a teacher approached it carefully.

The door opened slowly letting the public see the enormous disaster inside of it but between all the dust and smoke in the air there was a machine in one of the corners of the storage room that kept sparkling little lightning... but the strange machine became second topic of discussion as a cough that came from someone inside the storage room was heard.
— "Get the professors and the nurses!"

Everyone worked together to save who appeared to be a 15 year old boy.
Classes were canceled for the rest of the day but the students were kept in the classrooms to be questioned if they knew who the boy was.

It was already 2:30 pm as everyone's favorite group of first year dorks were procrastinating in one of the classrooms.

— "Mr Zigvolt, Young Y/L/N. Follow me, please." The called ones looked at one another and without another word they started following the masked man.

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