Where you belong (Yandere! Leech twins x fem! Reader)

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( ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️ This shot contains yandere behavior, kidnapping, use of drugs and potions, obsession, physical violence, metamorphosis , blood and fear. If you have Thalassophobia you might get triggered too. I'm new in this type of shots but I'll try my best. Also if you wish more of these it's fine by me but just so you know: I will NEVER romanticize harmful practices towards one's self or others. This was a shot requested by moreheadtamar )

It had been a while since Y/n slept so well. Usually at these hours it's when she would get a nightmare about an upcoming danger in her life, but tonight her mind was blank.

There were no nightmares on her mind and no sound surrounding her...
No sound...

wait a moment

If Y/n knew one thing, it was that living with a loud demon like Grim made the wish of silence an impossible miracle, not to mention the whispers of the ghost that always kept her company.
But she was not hearing a single snore or whisper... no nightmares of people she never knew and no mouse presenting himself in front of the mirror.

"Grim..." she called out for her roommate who should be asleep next to her.
"Grim, are you there?"
It took her 3 minutes to realize what was going wrong...

For an unknown reason Ramshackle's prefect felt uneasy. She opened her eyes but everything was blurry, she could see there was light around the room yet her eyes couldn't show anything apart from some blinding light.
She tried to reach her eyes with her hands but it was hard to move something that one couldn't even feel.

"What... the fuck...?"

She started moving her all of sudden, incredibly heavy arms. Her heartbeat increased when she tried moving her legs but just like the arms, they didn't move an inch. Y/n's strength to move her own body was gone.

"Ah-.. AH-...!" The pitiful girl's breathing got heavier.

"help... someone.. ah- ah! ." She couldn't even talk properly. Her voice came out in slow stutters until she finally got to scream with all the air she had in her lungs.

" Help! Someone! Help me please!" She could feel hot tears running down her cheeks. Trying to get up was useless and even painful.

Y/n didn't know how much time she spent crying for help... for someone to explain her what was going on, why her eyes didn't show anything more than blurry lights and why her body was completely numb.

After some time the girl heard a door open and footsteps approaching to whatever she was lying down on.

"Nee~ Koebi-chan." The y/h/c haired  recognized that voice.

"Hmhm. Good morning Y/n." Both are here! Y/n sighed in relief; she felt happy to hear two familiar voices. Her best friends: the Leech twins.

"J-Jade, Floyd... I-I've never been happier to h-hear y-your voices." The shock was still heard in her voice yet the relief she felt also showed.

"Aw, you heard that too, Jade? Our little shrimp is happy to be with us!" The voice that belonged to Floyd showed a cheerful tone. "Yes, I heard her too, Floyd, haha."

Even in the worst of situations they know how to continue being their usual selves. Y/n thought wanting to cry out of relief. She was not alone!

"Yes, Koebi-chan/ Y/n?" They both replied at the same time.

"D-do you know w-what ha-happened?... w-why am I like.. this..?" Her mind imagined different theories but she needed someone to confirm them or prove them wrong.

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