Out of my hands 1 (Riddle x Reader)

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((Riddle Rosehearts x non-binary Yuu))
(( the picture doesn't belong to me))
It was finally here! The day every student from the schools related to Sword Royal Academy who paid for the trip was looking forward to, and you may ask what could that possibly be? Ohohoho my friend! Nothing more or less than the Magical Summer Festival!
____ had slept the whole trip with a blanket on their face with Jack, their sit companion protecting them from Ace, Deuce and (from time to time) Grimm' s evil intentions of drawing a mustache on their face.
After a few hours the NRC students, who were invited by the RSA students arrived at the festival without mayor trouble. But how would they go to their enemy's party?! Some people like Ace, Deuce (he won't admit) and Grimm were brought in my the food and the entertainment pulling ____ in the plan as always. Others like Trey and Kalim didn't actually have any hard feelings towards the RSA students, on the contrary! And then as you might have guessed there were people like Leona and Vil, who simply came to spy on their sworn enemy.

Your snore could be heard to the distance due to the bad night you just had with the continuous nightmares you never stopped living, and the poor Jack had to put his EarPods on to cover their sensitive ears. Soon enough after another half an hour ____ was woken up by a weight on their lap. "Morning Grimm." They said with a chuckle. "Morning? ____ you really need to check the time. Is already afternoon."- "Ha! You talk as if you didn't sleep the whole trip." Ace teased Grimm. "And you didn't?" A just woken up Deuce said without any filter making _____ laugh. "Hey! You can't go around calling out people like that mr- Serious." Ace tried to fight back. "Also, you drool in your sleep. Disgusting!" The orange/brown haired stated with an offended face. "W-what?! That's not true!-"
"Silence, puppies!" Professor Crewel shouted making everyone (and by everyone I mean, EVERYONE) shut up in fright. "It seems you are just a bunch of bouncy puppies today and that's good but remember. You came here as students of the Night Raven Academy and we expect you to act as we taught you. Understood?" *you mean, by overblotting over and over?* ______ couldn't help but think.. *what does he even mean? Even Malleus and Lilia are super childish!* They only hoped the headmaster won't put them to follow everyone around like a babysitter...

But a little closer to the exit with Trey by his side, there was a red haired leader with the nerves on the edge. The Queen of Hearts and head of the dormitory Heartslabyul, Riddle Rosehearts kept playing with the sleeves of his coat... he had everything planned but... was everything going to go his way?

As the NRC students got out of the boss and they entered the dorm leaders grouped each one of them.  ____ and Grimm being only two in one dorm, were invited by Heartslabyul to join so they didn't get lost. "Are you sure is not a problem if both me and Grimm join you guys? I don't want to put any more pressure on the dorm leader.." _____ said unsure as they walked along side with Ace and Deuce. "Yeah! I don't feel like seeing a red bean angry over something that isn't even my fault." Grimm said crossing his arms just to be carried in the arms of his dorm leader. "Pft- believe me. Riddle won't mind At.All." Cater entered in the conversation just to make the little group of friends jump out of surprise. "C-cat- senior Diamond! Please don't scare us like that..." Deuce sighed a little distressed. "But it's true what I'm saying you know?" Cater ignored Deuce as they continued walking towards the entrance. "About our dormhead not minding ______ and Grimm's presence?" Deuce asked unsure. "Duh! You dummies are too busy getting into trouble that you don't notice a lot of things." Cater gave them a curious smile. "Oh come on, what do you even- f*ck!" _____ cursed out-loud at the sudden sight of a floating smile.

"Ah, Chenya I told you not to do that." Trey walked up to him. Soon enough the figure of both Riddle and Trey's childhood friend was clear and solid. "Hahah.. I know I know but it doesn't matter how much I visit you guys, __________ always curses. They are so easy to scare." "Hey! One of these days I'll have my revenge!" _____ responded a little embarrassed as they punched Chenya in the arm. "Hey! I didn't punch you." Chenya pouted faking his sadness. "Eye for an eye." Grimm stepped in smiling mischievous at the cat boy. They were starting their little fight when a firm voice was heard. "Silence." It demanded.
Riddle gathered everyone in matter of seconds in perfect order leaving the three Chenya, _______ and Grimm out. "Scary isn't it? Haha" Chenya whispered to _________ ear just for Grimm to whisper back. "They indeed act like the card soldiers." The three of them giggled and that didn't go unnoticed by the Queen who couldn't help but feel tipsy and angry. "Hey! I don't remember you being part of this dormitory Chenya." Riddle walked closer. "I would like you to let me organize my group without interruptions." Chenya tilted his head. "But our little dorm leader and their cat aren't part of the dormitory right? Maybe I should take them with me so you finish your duties." Chenya smiled oblivious to the little vein that wanted to pop out of Rosehearts' forehead. "I think we can allow an old friend right Riddle?" Ace interfered quickly. "Didn't you promise to be more flexible?" Ace smirked at Riddle who swallowed the acidness looking at _________ with indecisive eyes just to close them. "I-I guess it's okay... but don't cause trouble." Chenya's smile grew wider "Pinky Promise!" He extended his pinky finger and Riddle in embarrassment as everyone looked intertwined his pinky finger with Chenya's.
________ let out a small giggle smiling at the scene. They loved this side of Riddle. The one who blushes at little things, the one who enjoys strawberry tart.... the Riddle Rosehearts who is not his mother's boy, nor Heartslabyul's leader... just a guy with a kind heart and a short temper.
But in matter of one second Riddle's eyes were on them. *oh shoot!* they looked away embarrassed of themselves... *he must think I'm a dumbass who laughs at him... ughhhhhh* but how wouldn't he? You are always getting into trouble with Ace, Deuce and Grimm... he surely has nightmares about you burning Heartslabyul's dormitory one of these days...

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