Lemon sorbets and compromises (Malleus x Fem! Reader)

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((This will be my very first shot of a JEALOUS Malleus and also my very first shot with a  not only FEMALE but FIANCÉE reader. I don't own Twisted Wonderland))
( REQUESTED BY moreheadtamar ))

It has been almost 5 centuries ever since two special kingdoms kept a big rivalry always close to the war:

The Valley of Thornes. A land full history and secrets, and home of one of the most powerful wizards in the actual world, Malleus Draconia.
And the nation of Solbraccio. A union of islands that were founded by a famous captain who had one hand and a hook.

Thankfully it was all coming to a peaceful end with the marriage of Lord Malleus Draconia and the next captain of the island (yes. This island's government goes like a pirate crew so the queen/king is the captain), Y/n Y/l/n, the breed of a human and a fairy.

Some people would think 'A convenience marriage in this century? What if the two hate each other?'
But gods no! These two felt everything for each other except hatred! Malleus got to meet the sweet but loud Y/n. After they met at a Royal reunion between kingdoms trying to think of how to reach a peaceful agreement Lilia would take Malleus in secret to meet his only friend even though they were an ocean apart.
Malleus and Y/n always cared for each other and made a friendship that unconsciously became something more.

However... as time passed Malleus got way busier and as he grew the  duties on his shoulders got so heavy to the point he started pushing his beloved fiancée away without even noticing. Still, she always tried to be there for him.

But now Solbraccio's international boarding school, the Jolly Roger College for men and women, named after the brave Captain's ship "the Jolly Roger" that brought them to this island, came to visit the NRC to have some friendly competitions between the students so that they all can learn from their rivals.
Have you connected the points yet?

First day

The moment Malleus saw her his eyes almost popped out. The little sweet girl with (your skin color) skin and big curious (y/e/c) eyes and the messy hair that he remembered had become a big beautiful young lady with a smile warmer than The Land of The Sands and a presence as big as King Farenna's.. for a moment he felt scared...
what would she think of him after all those years? Does she hate him for suddenly stop meeting her?
— "Y/n..."
— "Malleus!"- the energetic lady ran to hug the 2 meters tall fairy. There were scared looks from some of the students from different schools as much as nice supporting looks from others.

— "It's been a while."- Malleus was taught how to speak normally but inside he was going crazy while his fiancée just surrounded his body leaving him paralyzed. — "It's been indeed! You have grown so tall. Now I have to jump to touch those horns of yours, hahah."- Y/n smiled as he let her chin rest on the boy's chest while she looked up to him.

*he/she hasn't changed one bit.. thank you, gods*
Only the very same gods knew they had the same thought.

She let go off him but before they could say another word they were surrounded by the students of both schools.
— "Hey, Y/n! You never told me your fiancé was Malleus Draconia!"

- "How long have you guys been dating?!"
- "Is it true that is an arranged marriage?!"

Thousands and thousands of questions kept raining and the poor couple started to look for a way to escape the crowd.

— "What's with all this noise?!"— teachers got to break out the scene and settle the students down.
After a long conversation about respecting others' privacy they were left to enjoy the rest of the day playing and getting to know more people before the activities for tomorrow started.
Sadly Malleus wasn't able to find Y/n in the rest of the day.

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