Some Questions, No Answers

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"Asta! Asta! Get up, I need to tell you something!" Leo called from across the hall, banging on not Breanna Lynn's amethyst door, but on Astara's sapphire one.

She groaned and rubbed her eyes sleepily. Turning over, she looked at Breanna, who was still sleeping. Deciding not to wake to wake the tired princess after their tiring night, she tiptoed to the door and cracked it open.

"Would you shut up? Some of us like to sleep past five in the morning!" Astara exclaimed grouchily.

Leo whipped around surprised. "Asta?! What are you doing in there?"

"It's a long story, Wizard Boy. Just...get in here." She grabbed his wrist and pulled him inside Breanna's bedroom.

"Umm this really isn't a good idea, the guards are going to kill us, especially me, and Breanna Lynn—"

"She'll understand once I explain. Don't worry, she and I are friends now." Astara cut off Leo's rambling.

His eyes widened. "Friends?! You two are friends?!"

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, don't sound so surprised. And when Breanna wakes up then we'll explain everything to you, got it?"

"Well I-"


A look of annoyance settled on Leo's face and he plopped down on one of Breanna's pink cushioned chairs.

"So," She settled into the chair across from him. "what did you want to tell me?"


"You said you had to tell me something, you know when you were banging on my door?" She reminded him.

His eyes lit up with realization. "Oh! Right, Sorcerer Moon told me that King Harold and Queen Chrystal secured where you'll be living in Cornacapia!"

"Oh...where am I staying?" She asked curiously.

He shrugged. "I don't know, he said that they're going to announce it to you later tonight."

Astara nodded slowly. She was glad to have a place to call her own but...who would she be living with? Would they be considered her parents? Would they think of her as a daughter? Would they be like her previous "parents" and never acknowledge her existence? Would—

"Yo Asta! You good?" Leo questioned, looking a little concerned.

She looked at her feet. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It's just..." She couldn't finish her sentence, he would never let her forget it if she did.

How could she explain that she would miss him? Not in that way of course, but in the way you would miss your best friend, even if you only met them a week ago. He was her first friend after all. Not to mention Breanna, who she had just gotten to know.

Leo poked her shoulder. "Hey, don't stress about this, okay? It's going to be fine. And besides, if you end up somewhere bad, like a gargoyle cave, I'll just use some magic and zip-zap you out of there!"

A giggle escaped her lips, though she quickly covered it up with an eye roll. "Leo you would probably zip-zap me to another dimension."

He shook his head, though he was still smiling. "I already told you that I'm not that bad at teleporting. Though with your mood swings, zip-zapping you to another dimension doesn't sound so bad sometimes."

She threw a pillow at his head, laughing when he tried to launch it back at her but missed. But when Astara tried to tackle him and landed on her face because Leo teleported to the other side of the room at the last second, the activity halted.

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