Shocking Discoveries

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The King gaped down at Astara and she scrambled off his lap before he could throw her off. She glanced over at Leo but he was too busy staring at his shoes. Mr Daniels, also known as Sorcerer Moon, looked a mix of irritated, annoyed, and angry.

Not a good combination.

"What are you two doing in here?! I told you to wait outside! Leo you should know better than to sneak strangers into the castle, you know how tight security is!" Mr Daniels shouted at her and Leo.

Leo looked up from the ground. "Technically you never told us to wait outside and—okay I'll shut up now."

The Kings face turned red. "Moon what is the meaning of this?!"

Mr Daniels sighed. "King Harold and Queen Chrystal, I present you Astara Knight from...the human world."

The King, Queen, and Princess all gasped. Astara stood there awkwardly as the three royals stared at her. Queen Chrystal broke out of the trance first.

"Moon why have you brought a human girl to Cornacapia?"

"First of all your Majesty Astara is not human-"

"Excuse me?! What do you mean I'm not human?!" Astara interrupted.

Panic rose throughout her body. She wasn't human? How was that even possible?! She had been born to human parents for goodness sake!

Mr Daniels looked uncomfortable. "Astara we'll talk about this la-"

She interrupted again. "No! I think I need to know if I'm part dragon or something! That would explain my morning breath though..."

Leo snorted and Breanna Lynn turned to him with a weirded out look on her face. He shrunk away from her and continued to stare at the ground.

"Enough of this! The thing we need to focus on is the fact that the Sorcerers Apprentice snuck in an uninvited human or Cornacapian or whatever she is inside Castle BlueBay!" The King exclaimed. "Especially during these times!"

"Which is why we should be doing something! Instead of sitting here and yelling at two immature kids!" Breanna Lynn shouted.

Astara's eyes widened. Immature kids? Breanna looked the same age as them! She seemed like the type of girls Astara hated back at school: prissy and full of herself. Then again maybe she was just judging a book by its cover, which by the way she did know better than to do that. But it was in Astara's, unfortunate, snappy nature to fire right back at the Princess.

"We may be immature Princess, but at least we don't look like clowns with way too much makeup covering our faces." Astara covered her mouth as soon as the words came out. What was she thinking talking like that to royalty?! If she wasn't dead before she most certainly was now.

Leo was looking at her incredulously and Mr Daniels looked like he really wanted to strangle her. But the only reactions she was worried about was from the three royals. Breanna Lynn's face turned bright red. King Harold and Queen Chrystal looked at each other like they were trying to process what she had said.

Astara turned to Breanna. "I am so-"

Loud laughter cut off Astara's apology. Her mouth fell open when she realized who was laughing.

It was the King and Queen!

King Harold howled with laughter. "We've been telling her that she wears too much makeup for weeks! Maybe she'll actually listen now!"

Leo and Mr Daniels laughed along, probably trying to dissolve any traces of the previous tension. But no matter how much everyone laughed at her remark, Astara couldn't laugh with them. She couldn't even smile.

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