A Dream Becomes Reality

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Mr Daniels face was so red Astara wondered how it managed not to explode. She had seen him mad before, he was her teacher for goodness sake, but she had never seen him THIS mad.

"Sooooo Mr D, those purple robes look REALLY good on you!" She exclaimed quickly. Maybe some flattery would soften blow.

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" The Sorcerer yelled at her.

Okay so he's THAT level of mad, Astara thought bitterly to herself.

Everyone was reacting to Mr Daniels anger differently. King Harold and Queen Chrystal looked confused, Breanna's eyes were darting back-in-forth between him and Astara like she was watching a tennis match, Barry the guard looked almost nervous, Leo was trying to hide behind Astara (which really didn't do anything because he was taller than her), and Greta was giving her a reassuring hand squeeze.

"It's a really long story—"

"Which I'm sure he wouldn't mind hearing." Greta cut in. The little gnome gave Astara a stern, yet reassuring, look that seemed to force her to spill the entire story.

Mr Daniels paled when she finished. "Who sent you that book?" He asked quietly and carefully.

She shrugged. "I have no idea, it just sorta appeared. It was called "The Journey to Cornacapia: The Fates"."

He took a deep, slow breath. "We need to talk, just me and you. Now." He turned to the King and Queen for their approval and they nodded.

Leo finally stepped forward. "Sir I think that I should-"

"No." The Sorcerer interrupted.

"Why no? I didn't even say anything yet!" Leo complained.

"Just no. Me and you will talk later, I can promise you that." He gave Leo a withering look that made the boy shrink away.

Greta gave her one more hand squeeze before she reluctantly followed Mr Daniels inside, leaving everybody else outside, standing under the starry sky.


As soon as Mr Daniels closed the door to his tower, Astara asked her question.

"Why did you send me away? You told me that I was the key to saving Cornacapia, why did you push me back?" She asked forcefully.

He gave her a look. "The question is why are you back? I sent you away for a reason Astara!"

"Then what was it?! If it's so important then why don't you just come right out and say it?!" She asked, her voice raising slightly.

He massaged his temples. "Because I don't know what it is! At least I don't know why!"

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You realize that makes no sense right?"

The Sorcerer didn't seem to hear her. "You need to go back before I find out why...it's dangerous. But...we need you to...never mind."

She lifted her chin up. "I'm not going back to Queens, no matter what you decide is best."

His eyes narrowed. "If I tell you to go back you will go back! Do you not understand what I'm trying to do?! I'm trying to protect you! To keep you safe!" He yelled at her. And there it was. That slight quiver in his voice. That's what made her stop for a minute. Because it confirmed something she never thought was possible:

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