An Unlikely Friendship

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Astara pulled Breanna's small, shaking body out of the air and onto the pony she was somehow controlling. The princess clung onto Astara, breathing rapidly.

"H-how did that happen?" She asked shakily.

Astara shook her head. "I have absolutely no idea but right now we need to get back to the castle before we're trampled by your horse."

"I'm not leaving Fane running loose like this!" Breanna cried.

"He was literally about to kill you!" Astara practically shouted.

Breanna bit her lip. Her golden, honey colored eyes glistened with tears of fear and uncertainty. But eventually she whispered, "Fine, but I'm coming back for him in the morning."

Astara shrugged. "Fine with me, just don't get killed." She paused for a minute before asking, "Has he ever acted like this before?"

Breanna looked down at her hands. "Never, he's usually so calm and restrained...I have no idea what's come over him. He's acting like he's possessed or something!"

Almost as in responding to her, Fane reared again and charged at them. The small pony the two girls were riding on cried with terror, but it seemed unable to move without Astara's command.

"Uhh go, go!" She commanded the pony, panicked.

"Fane! Stop!" Breanna screamed uselessly.

But of course the huge stallion didn't listen to her. His nostrils flared and his purple eyes were wild with mania.

Wait...since when did horses have purple eyes?

The small pony screamed with panic and wildly ran away from the stallion. But Astara knew that it was only a matter of time before Fane caught up.

"Go to the castle gates!" She commanded the pony.

Breanna Lynn shook her head quickly. "No! Don't go to the gates, if they find out that I snuck out I'll never be let out of my room again!"

"We don't have time to worry about things like that right now!" Astara yelled.

"It doesn't matter! We're not going there!" Breanna hesitated before saying, "I know another way, just let me steer the pony."

"He's kinda only listening to my commands right now."

"What are you doing, controlling him?!" The Princess shouted, almost hysterically.

"Eh...kind of?" Astara responded.

Breanna looked like the gears in her brain were turning. "Wait, so you somehow made me float in the air and you're controlling a you have magic?"

Astara was taken aback. "Magic?! No! I-I could never be...we don't have time for this! Just tell me how to get there and I'll tell the horse."

After hesitating for a second Breanna gave a slight nod. "Okay...go around the right side of the castle."

"Got it, go around the right side of the castle!" Astara ordered. The pony didn't hesitate before sprinting to the designated destination.

"Okay now turn left!" Breanna Lynn yelled over the wind.

"Left!" Astara repeated.

The small horse took a sharp left. It skidded to a halt when Breanna shouted, "Stop!"

The sound of Fane's thundering hooves and angry neighs weren't too far away so Astara knew that they didn't have much time.

"Uh where are we?" She asked, studying the pattern of thick, green vines and colorful flowers crawling up the castle wall.

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