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The next time Chan woke up he had no idea how long it'd been since before.

He kept silent, trying to will himself to think clearly and brush through the fog that had clouded his brain.

When he did wake up, he knew he was still in the same room. That by the soft satin sheets and the large four poster bed.

What he did notice was new, was the change of light. The room seemed to be covered in an orange to yellow glow.

And when Chan fully opened his eyes, he could see a flickering candle on the bed side table. It smelt like vanilla.

When he could finally feel all his senses he heard a soft giggling behind him. Slowly turning over Chan had to hold in a gasp.

There was Felix, sat crossed legged with only an oversized shirt laying limply on his torso. His hair was tied up in two little pigtails. A sketchbook in his left hand and pencil in his right.

"Hello sleeping beauty" Felix chuckled tapping Chan's nose lightly with the eraser on the end of the pencil.

"Hello?" Chan felt disorintated slightly, pushing his hand on the covers to try and sit up

"You're a wonderful sleeper you know that"

What? Chan was fairly certain he was diagnosed with insomnia not too long ago. How on earth was Felix saying he was a wonderful sleeper?

"You look confused" Felix chuckled, moving the pencil a couple more times on the page "here"

Before Chan knew what was happening a sketchbook was placed into his hands.

When he looked down his eyes widened.

Sketches of him...asleep...

How god damn long has Felix been watching him to make these? And let's not even get started on how strange it is.

Felix seemed to be more strange the more he spent time with him. He was a good artist though.

"They..." Chan gulped, his throat was so dry "they look nice, I suppose"

"Thankyou" Felix turned the book back and resumed his movements with the pencil. "So sorry to draw you why you were sleeping, but you looked so pretty I couldn't resist"

Chan's face went bright red, god he hoped Felix didn't notice.

Of course he noticed

"Cuuuuutteee" Felix began frantically sketching then turned to the side table and pulled a red pen off the desk. "Tadaa"

Somehow Felix had managed to whip up a drawing of his embarrassed face, colouring his cheeks in with an anime style red blush. It was quite the contrast to how realistic Felix was drawing him.

"May i have some water?" Chan sucked up the courage to ask.

"It will cost you" Felix smiled cheekily.

"Nevermind then" Chan mumbled, dropping his head back into the pillow

"Oh don't be like that" Felix leant forward to pinch his cheek "I'll get you water"

"Thanks" Chan tried to blink the sleep out of his eyes

"That reminds me" Felix placed down the book "I need to find the people who spiked you"

"It wasn't you?!" Chan shot up, he thought Felix was just saying that

"Of course not!" Felix huffed, swapping his crossed legs over "how dare you assume such a thing!"

"Well you did threaten me" Chan pointed out

"Touché touché" Felix nodded "but I wouldn't want that to happen to anyone else, could become a big problem"

"I can understand that" Chan nodded

"Right anyway" Felix clapped his hands together "its late, tomorrow I'll find you a change of clothes then we have some things to dicuss"

"What is the time?"

"Two am"

"And you didn't go to sleep?" Chan questioned

"Well for one, bang Chan, you are in my bed. And two I needed to make sure you wouldn't die!"

Chan stayed quiet, it was probably best not to argue back.

"Are you still tired?" Felix asked gently, his mood changes were giving Chan whiplash.

"Not much" Chan sighed

"Well unfortunately, I can't let you go home so... looks like youll have to stay here "

"You can't stop me" Chan spat, moving to get up

"Chan" Felix said sternly, grabbing Chan's wrist gently "be a good boy and sit your ass down"

Chan looked at him for a moment, who says he has to listen?

He yanked his hand arm away making a beeline to the door.

He grabbed the handle and threw it open.

Just as he was about to step out he caught sight of something.


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