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As they walked into the main room, that familiar overwhelmingly hot temperature practically suffocated the two.

Was it that hot on purpose? Probably not.

They knew the place sort of well from the back but the front was a whole different story.

There was a bunch of tables around the sides, one long pathway to the front where a stage was placed. What interested Chan the most was above the stage there were mirrors? Why would someone put mirrors there.

The wall which the mirrors where placed on walls which  pertruded outwards. Was there something behind it maybe?

Chan didn't pay much attention to there afterwards. He was more distracted by hyunjin the same man walking up to us again. He had the same uniform as last time, but his long hair was In a half up half down style.

"Well hello again" he smiled greeting the two with a handshake

"I'm sorry we didn't introduce ourselves too long ago" Chan smiled "I'm Chris and this is Peter"

Hyunjin smiled warmly at them "it's very good to see you again, can I interest you in getting a drink first maybe?"

"Yes that'd be great" Jisung smiled following hyunjin as he lead the two to the bar.

The person serving the drinks looked quite young actually. He seemed very skilled at his job mind you, throwing bottles around serving with great speed

"Jeongin, hit these newbies up with something strong" hyunjin spoke, so jeongin was his name.

"Sure thing sir" he smiled picking up two bottles of god knows what and placing them down on a small tray.

"How much do we pay?" Jisung asked taking out his wallet. Chan knew very well he didn't have any money to pay and he wasn't sure if Jisung did either.

"Oh no, seeing as you're knew I'll make an exception" he winked nodding as hyunjin picked up the tray to carry them to the table.

Chan was even more impressed at how hyunjin manoeuvred around the tables and clumps of people without dropping the drinks. Even though he carrying the tray with one hand.

He led them over to a table which was a little closer to the stage than they'd been last time. This was when Chan noticed a table of people.

Their movements where so.fast and fluid it looked as though they'd been doing this their whole life. They probably had.

One particalar person caught his eye. He had dark black hair, a little on the shorter side. He was buff and pretty scary too.

Was this who that woman meant?

It seemed reasonable he looked like a great player. He looked like he could crush your dreams between his bisepes as well.

"He looks...scary" Jisung noticed what Chan was staring at and whispered n his ear.

"Yeah, we shouldn't cross paths with him" Chan whispered back receiving a firm nod from Jisung.

"Welcome" hyunjin began simular to last time "I know you're all pretty knew so we are going to play another simple game"

He picked up a knew deck of cards and opened the pack. Chan wandered actually how much money they spent on buying knew cards.

The group listened intently, the game which was chosen could affect how well they play.

"Today we will be playing 'BEWARE' also known as 'Grrr 총량의' " Jisung and Chan both gave a sigh of relief. On the contrary to it's name, the game was simple enough.

Get rid of all your cards but beware of the queen. Whoever ends up with the queen when everyone else's cards have gone, loses.

It's a simple game, but extremely luck based. There isn't much strategy to it at all which is why Chan assumed hyunjin chose it for the begging table.

What Chan wanted to be most certain about was that he didn't get too drunk. Prior to entering the casino they'd decided to do this; one person drinks, once their done with their drink swap it with the other person to look like they drank it. This way they would still have one sober player to help win the games.

This time, Jisung decided to drink, so halfway through the game, he swapped his drinks bottle with Chan.

All Chan had to do was act a little tipsy so it would seem like he'd drank. When really he had drunk nothing at all.

By the end of the round, Chan had won. Jisung following a close second thanks to Chan's discrete guidance.

He thankfully had enough money to pay off his apartment rent and buy a laptop.

So why was he itching for more?



"What is it hyunjin?"

"There's some new people- I don't know who they are exactly - Well they"

"Have you come here to waste my time?"

"NO- no! There are these two people who are sort of cheating the system"

"Really? How interesting"

"Y-you aren't bothered?"

"Not at all, it's been a while since something interesting happened"

Name: Yang jeongin
Mirohs' s bartender
Gambling status: Novice

Name: Yang jeonginMirohs' s bartender Gambling status: Novice

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