406 24 20

After bidding goodbye to seungmin Chan set off to go home.

He definitely needed a change of clothes and a shower as well.

Chan's muscles ached as he tred up the mountain of stairs to his apartment. The (hell)evator was broken, no surprise there.

Once Chan got into his apartment he ran straight for the shower. He was ready to just throw off his clothes and wash away his sins from the other night but, he caught a look of his appearance


He'd seriously got drunk. How did minho let him leave the house looking like that.

Anyway he was quick to get dressed. Strippi g his tight jeans first along with his shoes and socks. Just as he was pulling his shirt over his head something fell out. It made a thud as it dropped to the floor then rolled someone near the shower door.

Chan bent down picking up the object to inspect it...clear lip gloss

And that was when last night slapped him in the face. That actually happened?!

Chan's brain finally decided to register everything. And wow if he thought his headache was bad before.

Had he really fell ontop of him in the casino? No! There was no way.

"Is it creepy to smell someone else's lip gloss?"

"Yes very much so"

"AH! JISUNG WHAT THE FUCK" Chan tried to grab a towel but Jisung stood infront of him 





"Yes you did, so now you need to explain to me what happened last night!"

"Ok! I got drunk and some guy slipped a bottle of lip gloss into my pocket" Chan sighed trying to reach around for a towel. I mean Jisung wasn't looking and it's not like they haven't seen it all before...AnYwAy

"Hmmm hmm" he nodded finally letting Chan grab a towel "You left me"

"I'm sorry, I was so drunk I couldn't think straight" Chan rubbed his temple with a sigh

"It's no big deal, I went home with someone anyway"

"Yeah minho told me"

"He didn't...say who it was did he?" Jisung looked...worried?

"No! It wasn't some hooker was it?!"

"NO!- I mean no. It was not a hooker"

"Who was it then?" Chan was beggining to feel really awkward now

"The bartender, remember him?"

"Jeongin?" Chan took some time to remember before answering

"That's the one" Jisung snapped his fingers with a grin

"Do you have the hots for him or something?" Chan tilted his head

"Wha-? No no nothing like that" Jisung clarified waving his hands in an 'x' motion "he just offered as we kinda became friends during the night...or what I can remember"

"Good anyway, I'm glad you got home safe minho would have murdered me"

"Yeah true- ANYWAY you should probably take a shower now you smell like shit"

"Gee thanks" Chan rolled his eyes moving to turn on the water

"Nice dick by the way!"

"Jisung I fucking swear-"



"Nothing" Chan grumbled sitting down with the towel still round his kneck.

"Did you run into someone or something? DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH" Jisung gasped loudly



"No Jisung, I really dont" Chan sighed rubbing his face. He couldn't get images of that angelic boy out of his mind.

"I'm sure you do...anyway i want to go back to the club tomorrow"

"Tomorrow?! Jisung that's way to quick!"

"Well I just want to you know"

"Jisung I don't think this is a good idea anymore...if I'm honest I want to quit" Chan sighed, he was getting way too addicted already. If he didn't stop now he feared he would be stuck forever. One day he'll go into debt and that will be the end of him.

"What no?! Chan. This has been the most exciting thing we've ever done in this shit hole of a district"

"I know but-"

"Look we only have one life right, so let's live it"

"Jisung, I'd rather live my life as mine than a debt to some old disgusting gambler!"

"That wouldn't happen"

"You don't know that" Chan walked over to the mint fridge and grabbed a can of beer. He had definitely drank too much recently.

"Ok maybe it could but that doesn't mean anything. You can't know until it's true"

"Jisung I'm not going back."

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