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Jisung and Chan went through the front entrance this time. They had worn their outfits, Chan had styled his hair, Jisung had dyed his hair blue the day before.

They certainly looked the part, would they get in? That was up for debate.

"Come on Chan, don't worry" Jisung patted his back comfortingly. Chan couldnt help but worry. What if they get caught and sent away? He only has two days to pay off his apartment rent and he won't find a job in that time.

He couldn't ask his parents seeing as they cut ties almost a year ago. His siblings were barely old enough to fend for themselves let alone loan Chan money.

His chances of not becoming homeless banked on this and he had no other choices. Really all Chan wanted to do was get a job, pay off his loans normally.

Not risk his sanity in the possibility of becoming a compulsive gambler.

It all seems that fate was not looking to be kind to him. As he had applied to multiple jobs, all to come back with; "we apologize but you just don't fit what we're looking for".

Chan was stuck, his only solution to enduldge in the dangerous sport of putting cards on a table, hoping to god your opponent doesn't have a better hand.

He's only done gambling once and look where that's gotten him. Multiple "training" sessions with Jisung on how they can win. Multiple plans to trick the players and the dealer into thinking what they are doing is innocent, when its nothing short of cheating.

Chan wanted to back out. He wanted to say "no, this doesn't seem like a good idea". He just couldn't.

He was itching, for the rush of the game. Putting everything you have on the table in the hopes of getting something back.

It was so wrong, but he wanted it so bad.

"I'm not worrying jisung" Chan gave him a warm smile as they stepped forward in the queue. Completly hiding the spiral of excessive thinking he just endured.

"Come on, we can do this" he jumped happily as they approached the bouncer at the grand entrance.

Chan hadn't seen the front before, it was nothing short of impressive. If he thought the back entrance; connected from the dirty allyways was stunning, this was far more breathtaking.

The casino was bright almost blinding and they hadn't even entered the building. It was mostly made from white marble with intricate gold details.

It was fitting though, on one of the richest streets in the district. Most the buildings looked like expensive hill side mansions that were far too beautiful to be situated in district 9.

The forgotten district, withering away without a soul who cared to give them a glance.

Chan came to the realization most people from district 9 came here at the chance to pay their debts.

As he scanned the area people were practically begging to come inside. Chan knew the extensive amount of poverty in district 9, but was it really this bad? How had he never noticed? Maybe he had? Just not wanting to believe it was true.

People where resulting to selling their lives away just to pay off their own debt.

God this is what it's come too. The last district, the poorest district. Chan almost laughed, thoughts of the hunger games clouding his mind. It all seemed so ridiculous but it was so real.

Apart from this street, every where was practically in poverty. Heck Chan's apartment was pretty much falling to pieces.

He wanted to gain more money, leave this place. I guess his idea wasn't that original. The long line telling him as much.

"Names?" The bouncer pulled Chan back to reality

"Peter Han, and this is Christopher Bang" Chan raised an eyebrow, English names?

"Welcome" the bouncer pulled the rope aside, without much questioning to Chan's surprise. Finally letting them walk through the front entrance.

"Why did you give our english names?" Chan questioned into jisungs ear so the people lingering wouldn't hear.

"We can't give our real identies Chris, that just makes us easier if they catch onto the plan" Chan nodded in understanding following slightly behind Jisung on the red carpet.

Suddenly a loud smash was heard startling the pair. Not long after two security guards tugging a woman. She was cleary far gone with alcohol by now.

She was shouting a string of curses, mixed with pleas, mixed with crying. Chan even wondered how she could switch between emotions so fast.

The guards faces where kept straight, like they'd done this countless times before.

As they walked past, the woman managed to grasp onto Chan. Her eyes where wide, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Don't let it get you" she desperately screeched tugging onto Chan's blazer as hard as possible. As not to be carried away "don't play with him"

"Him? Who's him?" Chan's eyes widened in distress

"The one who owns this fucking con house, lee-" before the woman could finish her scentance, she was forcefully ripped away and carried screaming to the entrance.

Chan was only left with an undeniable fear.

Who was she talking about?


Name: Bang Christopher Chan
Gambling Status: Begginer

Name: Bang Christopher Chan Gambling Status: Begginer

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