Spencer Reid (part 1)

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Y'all just look at Spencer's freaking adorable smile 😩--It had been a long 6 years working in the bau but Spencer and the team could make everything more enjoyable and so with them the years had been worth it

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Y'all just look at Spencer's freaking adorable smile 😩
It had been a long 6 years working in the bau but Spencer and the team could make everything more enjoyable and so with them the years had been worth it. Working in the FBI specifically the bau was difficult to say the least at times but that's to be expected. But as I said earlier Spencer could make everything so much better. Ever since I started working at the bau 6 years ago Spencer and I were attached at the hip. He was there for me when I really needed him and I could always count on him to be the big nerd that I fell in love with. We've been together for about 4 years and married for about a year and a half. Spencer was the light of my life and I his.

Penelope, JJ, Emily and I sat in Penelope's office as we had our morning talking session while downing our first cups of coffee for the day.

"Will and I are thinking about sending Henry to preschool" JJ blurted out in nervously.

"Oh that's so exciting" Emily chirped.


"Aww the little man is growing up so fa- " before I could finish my sentence JJ cut me off.

"No. No. No. It's too early. He's so young and Will thinks it'll be good for him to be out and make friends but I think it's too early. He's only 3! You guys are supposed to be on my side." she pouted in misery of clearly being the only one against it. But before anything could be said in response to her worries Spencer walked in.

"Hey Spence! I have a question for you. Think you can handle it brainiac?" He smiled at that, the corner of his lips upturning greatly.

"Shoot princess"

"What do you know about sending kids to preschool?" I questioned suppressing a giggle from what was about to come. It amazed me how he could talk for hours about anything you prompted him with. Amazed me and mesmerized me at the same time. On nights where I have trouble sleeping I often find myself asking him a broad question or mentioning something I know fascinated him just to hear his voice continue on. I think he caught on to it by my third or fourth time trying it but continued to play along anyways.

"Well, statistically speaking sending kids to school prior to elementary school, in this case that being preschool, is very beneficial to their social skills and many other life skills necessary for future education. Why?" His brows furrowed in a look of confusion as to why I was asking this question. "Wait (y/n) you're not against sending our little one to preschool someday are you?" he gestured to my pregnant belly with worry etched on his face. I felt bad for worrying him but had to give a small giggle at how cute he was when he worried about our kids future but as I tried to stand up and miserably failed the rest of the room erupted in soft laughs. Spencer gave a breathy laugh before reaching his hands out to help me up.

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