𝐒𝐲𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞

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"Am I really that disgusting?"

You asked while crying, your hands covering your face while salty tears streamed down your cheeks. 

"Of course not y/n! I can't believe Kid would say something like that-"

Liz said, rubbing your back while trying to comfort you.

"Don't listen to what he said, you're very pretty and you shouldn't worry about what a guy thinks. Especially a guy who's obsessed with weird things like symmetry."

Patty added in, you let out a small laugh while rubbing your eyes. You sniffled and wiped the tears away.

"Thank you guys."

The five of you went in for a group hug, letting out laughs after you had begun 

to feel better.

The rest of the night was spent in Maka's room, the guy's didn't try coming in to apologize and you were fine by that. 

You ended up falling asleep peacefully, thanking the girls for making you feel better.

After the sleepover you went home without talking to Kid, you said a quick goodbye to Blackstar and thanked Soul and Maka for having you over.  

The rest of your day was spent watching movies and eating snacks, the words Kid said floated around in your head. What you absolutely hated the most was that even after what he had said about you... you still liked him.

You mentally cursed yourself for having feelings for him, knowing that it wasn't right because Maka liked him.

The next day you showed up to school with Tsubaki, the two of you talked while making your way to Stein's class. Before you could step into the classroom, Maka pulled you aside.

"Can I talk to you real quick?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

Tsubaki gave you a quick wave and a smile before heading into the class, leaving you and Maka alone to talk. 

"So... I know you like Kid."

You froze, your eyes widened from the statement Maka said but you quickly sighed.

"Maka, you're right. I'm sorry. I would never try to pull anything on Kid because I know you like him and I value our friendship more than my (no longer existing) relationship with him."

Make looked you at and then looked down at her shows before looking back up and giving you  a smile.

"It's okay y/n, I treasure our friendship too! and don't worry, if you like him then go for it. I was actually thinking about Soul last night..."

A light blush spread over Maka's cheeks once mentioning her partner's name.

"I'll let you in on a little secret."

You whispered, leaning in closer to Maka.

"I think Soul's into you, the day of the sleepover when we were playing spin the bottle, he seemed kind of bothered when you kissed Kid."


"Yeah, I asked him what was wrong but he only replied with 'i'm fine'. I still think he kinda likes you."

"I'll bring it up to him!"

You and Maka hugged, entering the classroom right before the lesson started.

After class, you looked around for Maka. You noticed she wasn't around so you began walking to the lunch area, before you got the chance to call out Maka's name you felt someone grab your wrist lightly.

You turned around to find Kid looking at you, you moved his hand off your wrist and glared at him.

"What do you want Kid? Are you here to tell me about how disgusting I am?"

You muttered, looking away from his gaze. If you continued to look at him you were sure that you'd burst out crying.

"Actually, y/n... I wanted to talk in private if that's okay."

You paused for a little, contemplating on whether you should listen to what he has to say or just ignore him. You decided on listening to what he had to say, still uncomfortable from the fact it was just the two of you in the hall.

"What do you want?"

You asked, keeping  a small amount of distance between you and him. 

"I... I wanted to apologize for what happened on Saturday..."

You were taken aback from his sudden apology, yet you continued to listen.

"Y/n the truth is, I don't think you're disgusting. I think you're perfect, absolutely symmetrical. I don't know why I said those harsh things about you. And thing is.... Soul made me realize that I actually have feelings for you."

You felt your body tense up, your eyes widened in disbelief from the words Kid had just said.

"You... like me?"

Kid swallowed the pool of saliva that had formed in his mouth, he was quite nervous about what you had to say and we wasn't ready to face rejection.


"Please hurry on and reject me, this suspense is making me uncomfortable."

You let out a small laugh and took a step closer to Kid.

"I like you too..."

Kid's eyebrows shot up, he took a few seconds to compose himself before taking a step towards you. The two of you were so close you could hear each other breath.

"Well then... would you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love that."

You chuckled and wrapped your arms around Kid, he let out a happy sigh from your warm embrace and hugged back. You kissed the side of his cheek before letting him go, your sudden action made him turn crimson red.

"This does it then, our symmetrical love."

The two of you laughed, making your way back to the lunch room in search of Maka and the others. Little did they know that before them awaited a sudden relationship surprise.

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The end. 

Thank you for reading this story, I kept it quite short because I couldn't find much to go off of but as some say, "some things are better kept short and sweet" :)

Word Count: 890

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