Dream Demon

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AN: This is probably going to be long because EVERYTHING happens in this chapter. Blood warning. BTW when it says 'little Jestro' or 'small Jestro' it means this -

 BTW when it says 'little Jestro' or 'small Jestro' it means this -

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I just wanted to make it clear.

Third-person POV, Clay:

Clay fell to the floor with a thud. He heard someone, no, Monstrox, cackling behind the closed door. He quickly shot to his feet, he heard growling. The shadow-like creature in the center of the room was now more visible to him, it looked like a shadow copy of Jestro, but with claws, sharp teeth, and glowing red eyes. Monstrox cackled from behind the locked door as he chanted a spell. An electric shock was sent through the shadow creature and it let out an animalistic screech. Now enraged, it turned to face Clay and lunged at him.

Third-person POV, Ava:

Ava saw everything that was happening. On her screen, she could see Clay duck and dodge as the monster swiped at him. She frantically typed on her tablet, trying to get communications working. The monster swiped at Clay again, this time finding flesh. Clay clutched his arm as blood started to spew.

"Hurry, Ava!" Merlok exclaimed.

"I'm trying!" She shouted back.

A few more buttons and the screen lit up brighter.

"Got it!"

Clay's POV:

I dove to the side once again to dodge the oncoming attack, but this time the claws found purchase. I winced and gave a shout of pain as I instinctively clutched my wound. I took my hand away and saw it covered in blood. I had no time to assess the damage because the shadow beast swiped at me again. I hit the ground hard and ran as fast as I could while clutching my arm.

"Clay! Clay, come in! Are you there?!"

It was Ava's voice.

"Ava? Ava, I'm here!" I shouted.

I swerved to the side to avoid another swipe, this time aimed at my head.

"Clay, listen to me." Ava commanded, "The connections are unstable so we only have a little time. Imagine that you have your weapons."

"What?" I questioned.

"Trust me!" Ava shouted.

I avoided another attack and did what she said. I closed my eyes as I ran and imagined that I had on my armor with my sword and shield. My body felt heavier. I opened my eyes and I had my armor and weapons, my helmet now covering my head.

"Whoa!" I exclaimed.

"Remember, Clay. If you die in there, you die in real life!" Ava told me.

I heard a crash on her end and then silence.

Third-person POV, Ava:

"No! I lost communications!" Ava exclaimed.

The Fortrex got rammed again from the side, causing Ava to lose her grip on the tablet. It smashed onto the floor.

Monster Vessel (ClayXJestro)Where stories live. Discover now