A Grand Heist

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Third Person POV, Nexo Knights (excluding Clay):

The Fortrex rolled up alongside the gates to the capital city, barely any stars to illuminate the town. They parked it in the underbrush of the trees so the monsters prowling along the gate would not notice it at first glance. The drawbridge on the Fortrex dropped, three knights and one knight on a hover shield came out of the rolling fortress. They scaled the wall to the castle, careful not to alert any monsters. Macy gestured for them to follow her.

"Quick this way! I know a back entrance" She whispered, "I used it to sneak away from 'princess duties'."

The knights followed their friend through what was a busted up air vent. They clambered inside. Aaron pulled out a tablet with a digital layout of the castle and showed it to the rest of the knights. A flashing red circle marked where Monstrox was passed out.

"I think that's the throne room." Lance pointed out.

"Throne room's this way!" Macy quietly exclaimed.

They scurried through the vents, army crawl style. An air grate opened up right above the throne room. They peered down and saw Jestro's body laid flat across the floor. It appeared that after Monstrox ordered no one to bother him they took the order to a tee.

"Okay, once we drop down we need to grab Jestro and get back into the vents. And make sure that no monsters hear us!" Macy harshly commanded.

Aaron pulled out his crossbow and fired two shots at the bolts holding the grate up. The grate clattered onto the floor and the knights dropped down. Axl picked up Jestro and threw him over his shoulder. Macy pointed back up to the vent. Lance, Aaron, and Macy jumped up into the vent. Axl was about to clamber into the vent when the bookkeeper monster peered into the room. It noticed that the knights were kidnaping Jestro's body. Before the knights could react, the bookkeeper ran out of the room squealing.

"No! This is bad! We only have a few minutes before monsters flood this place!" Macy exclaimed.

She helped Axl into the vent and they crawled as fast as they could to the exit. Alarms sounded as they could hear lava monsters marching bellow.

"Ava! Startup the Fortrex!" Aaron exclaimed into his intercom.

The knights clambered out of the vent and were now outside. They ran as fast as they could as monsters flooded out of the castle. The Fortrex pulled up in front of the gates and the knights rushed inside. 

"Let's go!" Macy exclaimed.

The Fortrex revved up and drove away from the castle. Ava and Robin met with them in the training room where Clay still laid unconscious.

"I hope that you got Jestro? Ava asked.

Axl slumped Jestro's unconscious body alongside Clay's. Ava nodded to Robin and he pressed a button. Wires extended from the ceiling that looked similar to the ones connected to Clay. Robin placed them on Jestro's temples. His body slightly twitched as the familiar volts of electricity got sent through the wires. The screen in the training room started to light up.

"Alright!" Robin exclaimed, "Now we can-"

The Fortrex jerked to the side.

"What's going on magic man?" Ava asked.

"We're under attack!" Merlok 2.0 shouted.

The Fortrex once again shook violently.

"Battle stations!" Robin exclaimed.

The knights started rushing out of the room but Macy held back.

"Wait! What about Clay?" Macy wondered.

"You guys take care of the monsters, I'll watch Clay," Ava told her.

Macy nodded and the knights rushed out to take their battle stations. Ava tapped a few buttons on her tablet and the screen came on and showed Clay's perspective in the dream world, the communications were almost online.

"What is that?" Ava asked as she stared at the screen.

Clay was looking into a wide-open room, a shadowy figure was in the center.

"Oh my, that must be Jestro's inner demons!" Merlok exclaimed.

Ava shuddered at the thought.

"As long as Clay doesn't provoke it, he should be fine," Merlok reassured.

The video feed shuddered as Clay got shoved into the corridor. A grunt of pain could be heard escaping his lips as he fell onto the floor. The door slammed behind him. That DEFINITELY grabbed the shadow monster's attention.

"Oh no, Clay!" Ava exclaimed.

She frantically began typing on her tablet desperate to get the coms working.

"If we don't tell Clay how he can defend himself he'll die!" Ava cried out.


AN: Sorry for all the exposition, but trust me it's necessary. Anyway, craps gonna go down in the next chapter, I promise you. I'm gonna patch up the next chapter and upload it tomorrow. Hope you have a good rest of your day! :)

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