
11.7K 411 68

Los Angeles California

Dave sat in his room thinking about everything he was thinking about all the pain he caused and was going to cause

"Hey you good"Maya asked poking her head through the cracked door

"Yeah I'm straight"He said rubbing his hand over his face

"Umm she's ready for one on one"She said before walking away

Maya knew something was wrong with Dave by the way he said he was straight but she just left it alone

Dave got up walking to Dr.Davis's office
He knocked a couple times waiting for her to open the door

"Hello David"She said stepping to the side letting him in

He didn't say anything he just went to the couch and sat down

"So I heard you had visitors last month how was that"She asked opening her notebook

"It was straight"He said nonchalantly

He didn't really care for this meeting he had to much on his mind to figure out

"Looking back at our last session you had expressed you were an angry black man living in America do you still stand on that"She asked writing in her notebook

"Yeah anit shit changed"He said leaning back

"From what I can tell your another black man who let your pain turn into anger"She said looking at him

"Fuck that mean"Dave asked scrunching his face up

"It means instead of expressing your pain you let it get bottle up until it became anger you felt like if you expressed yourself you would be looked upon as weak"She explained taking off her glasses

"Part of it"He admitted

"Let's take it back to when you expressed to me you had to take care of your brothers how was that growing up"She asked

Dave looked at her for a moment

"Moms was working 3 jobs I had to hold down the house i was the one taking em to school I was coming to all the games I was the DAD at 10 I was holding shit down"He spoke with some anger

"How many brothers and their names"She asked

"3 and 1 sister on pops side Jeremiah Jeremy twins then D'Vani and Kelis  "He said

"The twins was the youngest D'Vani was the middle Im the oldest Kelis wasnt around much"He explained

"Which one passed"She asked softly

"D'Vani he took a bullet for me"Dave said with his voice cracking

"You blame yourself don't you? You blame yourself for any of the wrongs they made because you were the one in charge"She asked locking eyes with him

''Yeah I blame myself everyday I had to watch him die in my arms I had to watch my siblings hurt I had to watch my momma hurt she anit never blame me but I know if I wouldn't had been in the streets he'd still be here"Dave said sitting up

"Do you think you got closure for his death"She asked writing in her notebook

"Yeah I accepted it for what it is"He said truth is Dave hasn't forgave himself for what happened to his brother neither has Jeremy

"That's all for today I'll see you next week"She said getting up going to the door

"You got one more time to put me out after I open up to you"He said before walking out

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