Woman to Woman

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New York New York

"Be real Aaliyah you been not fucking with me every since I had a successful business"Ari said sitting across from Aaliyah

She was finally having a conversation with Aaliyah after everything that's happened

"No I haven't you've just been acting real stuck up lately you've been acting like your too good"Aaliyah said scoffing

"This really shows me where your mentality is at when you better yourself  and make changes in your life your suppose to carry yourself different and hold yourself on a higher level than what you did before"Ari said honestly

Ari couldn't figure out how hard it was for Aaliyah to understand that

"No Ari you started messing around with Dave and changed"Aaliyah semi yelled

"Its never pressure behind no nigga secondly you and Nicki was pressing the issue for me to fuck with him"Ari snapped she was honestly fed up with being nice

Aaliyah stood up looking down on Ari which made Ari stand up she took that as a threat

"Get off on who you mad at"Ari said steppin out her heels

Ari was trying to avoid putting her hands on Aaliyah but Aaliyah just kept trying her luck

"Bitch fuck you"Aaliyah said slapping Ari

Ari extended her fist connecting it with Aaliyah's jaw punching her repeatedly

"Ariiii stop"Tae said trying to grab Ari from over Aaliyah

"Nahh let me go"Ari said trying to get out of Tae's grip she wanted Aaliyah to feel every bit of pain and disrespect she was feeling

"Ari your bigger than this let her go"Tae said Ari grabbed Aaliyah's head hitting it on the ground before walking out the kitchen

Ari was so angry because all the loyalty she gave her went to waste all the years of friendship went to waste all Ari could do was cry from anger


"So Dave tell us about Amber"Dr Jackson said looking up from her clipboard

"Amber real genuine sweet and soft spoken she carries herself as if nothing every happened to her she keeps herself balanced and I respect that"Dave said as Amber smiled more to herself

"Amber what have you noticed about Dave"Dr Jackson asked making Maya scrunch her face up

"He's very closed off but he means well everything he does has good intention"She spoke lowly Dave gave her a nod

"Thank you all for sharing"Dr Martin spoke

A few other people spoke

"So today's assignment will be the assignment for the rest of the month"Dr Jackson said as she looked around

"So whoever you spoke about today will be your new partner and with that you guys will help each other through an obstacle they've been facing"Dr Martin said standing up

"Dinner is at 6 and today's assignment is to find a safe space"He said before walking out along with Dr Jackson

"You like the pond area I always see you over there"Amber asked lowly looking at Dave

"Yeah but being my partner you gone have to speak up"He said giving her a small smile

She just nodded and walked over to the pond are


How old is she"Amber asked Dave as the sat by the pond

"She's 4 going on 5"Dave said putting the picture of Kairi back in his journal

"I can't wait to bring a child into this world someone to love me and someone for me to love"She said smiling while looking at the koi fish

"An unconditional bond full of love and blessings"He said

"So what are your plans after your finished here"She asked looking up at Dave

"Be a better man"He said honestly all Dave wanted was to better himself for Kairi and he was thankful Ari pushed him to do so


"She put her hands on you"Dave asked while on the phone with Ari

"YES DAVE OVER SOMETHING YOU PUT IN HER HEAD"Ari snapped she felt played she felt like something wasn't adding up they've been giving out hints for a while and she's just now catching them

"Calm down cuhs I anit tell her shit Aaliyah just tight because she been wanting me to help myself and I'm just now doing it"Dave explained truth was Aaliyah was just bitter and envious

"I have to go I have a flight in the morning good night"Ari said tired of the conversation

"Good night Ariana"He said before hanging up

"Everything okay"Amber asked walking over to Dave handing him his sweater he left outside

"I'm straight and thanks"He said grabbing his sweater then standing up walking to the living room


This is Amber😌📍

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This is Amber😌📍

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