Welcome Ke'

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Ariana Dior
New York

"Why yall ain't tell me this shit was gone be so painful"Jayda said breathing hard

"On next your next contractions I want you to push"The doctor said

"Just leave my baby alone obviously my baby not ready to be here"She said trying to get her legs out of the hold from the nurses

Me and Baby looked at each other before laughing this girl is hell

"Ms.Cheaves we're gonna need you to be still before you hurt yourself and the baby"The doctor said making Jayda mug her

"Come on you got this Jay"Baby said holding her hand then kissing her forehead

"Just breathe"I said grabbing her other hand

"Fuckkkk"Jayda said while pushing and like that the baby said right out

"It's a girl"The doctor announced holding up the baby then placing her on Jayda's chest

I smiled as Jayda started crying my bestfriend is a mommy

"Whose cutting the cord"the nurse asked holding up the scissors

"She is"Baby said then looking back at Jayda and the baby in awe

I gave him a light smile then grabbed the scissors and cut the cord

I gave him a light smile then grabbed the scissors and cut the cord -

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❤204,329 💬15,049@jaydacheaves KLJ🍀🤍

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❤204,329 💬15,049
@jaydacheaves KLJ🍀🤍

@lovemercedes I hope they ain't name the baby Klover
KayyBayyyyy why your parents name you after a motor vehicle

@lilbaby She did the most in the delivery room

@dreamshantel 😍😍🧡

"My ass looking real nice"Jayda said looking in the hospital mirror

"Diaper booty ass"Baby said as he rocked the baby

"Fuck you"She said getting back into the bed making me laugh

"Yall stop cussing around my grandbaby"Ms.Diana said walking into the room

"She gone cuss like a sailor I see it now"I said as sat down next to her

"My baby is going to be a princess she not gone have a garbage mouth"Baby said making me laugh

"My baby gone be a real ass nigga"Jayda said making Ms.Diana throw a butterscotch at her

"You see how they treating mommy after she just pushed you out"She said looking over at the baby

"Hey Ms.Cheaves I was asking have you guys decided on a name yet"The nurse asked

"No"Baby said

"Yes we have"She said side eying him

"Ke'Yani Leana Jones"Jayda said making me smile

Purr my baby got my middle name
"She is so cute her little cry is everything I can't wait to have him or her"I said on FaceTime with Shantel

I was at home waiting for Quan to come over we were going to watch The 100

"Jayda sent me some pictures earlier I can't wait for me and Gee to have some"She said  smiling

"How many you want"I said looking at her with a funny face

"6 I've always wanted a big family"She said

"Damnnn God bless yalls hearts"I said making her laugh

"I'm just sacred of the after effects have you about Amber"She asked

"Yeah Dave told me I really wish there was something I could do because no woman she have to go through that having a baby should be a best feeling"I said going into my kitchen looking in my refrigerator

"Your big hearted ass always wanna help someone but yeah that's true women need strong support system when they have a child or children don't get me wrong many women could do the shit by themselves but behind that smile and strength is a very fragile women"She said I nodded in agreement

"It's crazy how  flawless us women make pregnancy look or anything matter of fact,but pregnancy could be so depressing and stressful  during and after"I said making her nod in agreement

"I've seen it first hand with my sister she tried to drown herself while she was pregnant she was so stressed about how she was going to take of herself and the baby everyone offered to help but she was so head strong on being independent"Shantel explained

"Because first thing a person like to do is throw in your face what they did for you"I said as I made a bowl of cereal

"And I hate that shit that's exactly why I do everything by myself anything you offering to do for me I can do myself trust that"I added as I walked to my room sitting on my bed

"And that's on my soul"She said doing some stupid face making me laugh

Choose A or B and choose wisely👀

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