Part 7

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You and Yamaguchi both cuddle each other for a relatively long time, and after you realise, you quickly push him away and turn slightly red. "Ah uhhh...Sorry!" You start apologising but he smiled and chuckles to himself. "W-what's so funny!  You say, turning even more red. "'s nothing..." Both of you start laughing and shortly after you suggest on making your way to the coach. Soon, both of you arrive at the meeting place with a couple team members waiting for others. "Y/N!!!!" You see Nishinoya sitting with Tanka eating popsicles and watching girls passing by. The small libero runs up to you. "Heyyy manager!! You did great today! Of course this game was fabulous because of your senpai, who is me if you didn't know." He says with a wide grin and thumbs up. He went on to talking about how amazing he was in the game and you and yamaguchi were just laughing at Nishinoya praising himself. Tsukki was inside the bus sitting down next to a window and listening to music. Daichi and sugawara were talking to Coach Ukai with Asahi awkward standing behind the captain whilst Hinata and Kageyama had ran off to race each other.

An hour had soon passed and everyone was in the coach and ready to go back to Karasuno. On the bus ride, Yamaguchi had fallen asleep and you stared at him,taking in all of his cute and adorable features, likes his freckles or eyes or his nose. You looked down at his hand. I know this is weird but...I wanna hold his hand...WAIT NO! Stop...I don't feel anything towards Yamaguchi...we are just friends... he wouldn't mind if I did anyways right...? you started panicking over such a small thing, but it felt like the problem was gigantic.But after that, you gently grabbed his hand and rested your head on his shoulder. Closing my eyes won't do anything bad! In the end, you ended up falling asleep and hinata woke you up just before you arrived back as he was being too noisy with nishinoya.

Your eyes flutter open as you see most of the team watching you and Yamaguchi. You two were holding hands and you were resting your head on his shoulder. Sugawara was taking pictures of the two "now this is the perfect blackmail...". you guys looked like a real couple. You groan and everyone goes back to what they were doing originally, as if they definitely weren't watching you and the freckled boy. You start moving around as you weren't exactly comfortable as you were before, so you shift over to look out the window. "Y-Y/N....?" You look over to see Yamaguchi sleepily looking from your hand, to your face. You quickly realise what he wanted to say. "Ah- Um- ha sorry!" You turn red but he tilts his head slightly. "No's...fine..." Now both of you are red and looking the other direction, but you both still held hands. The rest of the way back was pretty awkward and you were scared to make the slighted sound, not wanting to disturb anybody.

You arrive at Karasuno and Yamaguchi walks you out the bus. Once everyone is out the team says their goodbyes and everyone heads there own way home. You and the green haired male still hold hands and you slowly start walking home. "Listen Yamaguchi. I need to know something. I- I know this may seems a bit weird, but... what are we? Cus I don't think best friends would hold hands at this age...I MEAN! THERES NOTHING WRONG WITH IT! ITS JUST- ITS JUST...AHHH!" You panic, hoping you didn't hurt Yamaguchis feelings by telling him that. He smiles to himself and looks at you. "Well, I don't really know, What do you think of us? What do you think of me?" Your eyes open wide and you blush, "Ah- um...well, you're kind and helpful and you're really sweet and you're funny as well. You make me laugh and make my day feel better. You also look really cut- Ahhh cutely... happy ha ha..." DAMMIT THAT DOESNT IT MAKES SENSE DOES IT-! Ahhh I just wanna slap my face or something! He chuckles. "Why do you keep laughing! That just makes me feel like I've done something wrong..." both of you blush. "No, it's just Cus you're cute! That's all." Without realising it, you have now reached Yamaguchis house. "Welp, I'll be going now! Bye bye Y/N!" He runs off to his house, he waves to you quickly and closes the door. Only after this has happened, you realise that you feel like your heart was going to pop out your mouth. Why is my heart beating so fast...' OH SILLY! It's because of Yamaguchi duhhh!

Yamaguchi POV:
Why is my heart beating so fast! Ughhhh! Is it because of Y/N...? But- but they're just a friend! Maybe I'm just overreacting? what if I have feeling for them! What do I do.... I stare at my door, wondering wether or not to open it. I should talk to her, or maybe I should talk to someone else...I'm not sure anymore. I grab my phone and quickly find Terushimas number.


                             14 February 2021

                                                   Hey this is important, like
                                                   Very important!
Heyyy! What's the problem
                                                         I don't know what to   
                                                         Do About Y/N,
                                                         I think I like her...
                                                      Well, Ok! I'll tell you if
                                                        Anything happens!

I quickly put my phone away and rush to open the door.

You slowly start making your way back to your house. "W-Wait Y/N! Wait a second! I have to tell you something!" You turn around quickly to see Yamaguchi running after you.

Yall I finally posted- also uhhh, Unrelated but Omori is great I need more fanart or official art OR JUST ART FROM THE GAME IN GENERAL LIKE AHHH I LOVE THE CHARACTERS SO MUCHHHHH! Sorry if there's any mistakes I'll  check it as soon as I can when I'm not tired-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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