Part 4

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You wake up to your alarm clock and groan slightly.'s the place a hand on your forehead and move your hand towards your hair gripping them slightly. You them rub your eyes and make your way to the kitchen. "Good morning (Y/N)." Your mom says with a smile. You smile and say good morning back. You make your way to the sink and splash a bit of cold water onto your face,waking you up more. You grab a towel and rub your face to get it dry again. After you finish you grab two Pieces of bread and pop them into the toaster. "Honey,are you ever going to have anything else than toast?" She says jokingly as she chuckles a little. You give an short embarrassed chuckle as a replie and wait for your toasts to finish.

You realise that it's time to leave and so you grab your bag and start putting on your shoes. You say goodbye to your mom and run out of your house so tsukki won't moan about you being late. "Heyyyy! Wait up you guys." You say as you see Yamaguchi and Tsukki are already ahead of you. Both of the boys stop and turn around to face you. "Comeeee on.....! I wasn't that late." Tsukki only replies with "then come out earlier then it it's not that hard." You only roll your eyes and go over to Yamaguchi. "(Y/N),we have a match today!" You see Yamaguchi excited which makes you calm down a little bit about the upcoming match. You and Yamaguchi talk through the whole way to school while Tsukki just walks silently and listens to music on his headphones.

When you arrive at school you realise you've made it before school starts so you and your friends make your way over to the vending machine to buy a drink or snack. You and Yamaguchi grab a soda whilst Tsukki buys himself a strawberry milkshake. For about 10 minutes you and Yamaguchi talk about random things as Tsukki preferred listening to music and finishing of homework. "Aw come on Tsukki you're such a nerddddddd." You complain just to annoy him. "Shut up (Y/N), if i want to succeed in life I need to study. Oh and,don't talk trash when you like studying too." You try to object but he gives you a 'don't lie' face so after 3 attempt of denying you just give up. Tsukki looked at his watch and started packing,you know that it probably means that the school bell is going to go soon so you start packing as well and Yamaguchi follows. The bell finally rings but you and Yamaguchi are already close to your classroom.

-After school Cus I'm lazy- -_-

You stand up as the final lesson ends and start heading towards the gym... you realise that your legs are shaking...and your legs slowly get weaker by each step you took...why am I reacting like what if my old team was shit...that happened some time ago...I should forget about it...
you manage to get the gym without tripping over and making a fool out of yourself. Most of the team is already dressed in their uniform so you quickly put on your jersey. "(Y/N)!!!!!" You jump a little as you hear tanakas voice. "Oh tanaka hii." You smile and wave. You walk over to takeda and ukai, "hello (Y/N). Good you come on time!" Takeda sensei says. You laugh a little knowing well that it would've been bad if you were late. After you say hello to the team all of you,including the teacher and coach walk to the bus. "Hey um...(Y/N) you want to sit with me on the bus...?" Yamaguchi asks. You give a big reassuring smile and say "sure!". You and Yamaguchi sit down next to each other and wait for the others to do the same and the bus starts moving. You and Yamaguchi talk about how excited But nervous you are at the same time and laugh together from time to time. You gradually calm down and after a while you arrive at another school. You read the sign, Aobajohsai.

Godddddd I'm really really sorry for making this part soooo much shorter than all my other ones but I'm really bad at writing stuff T_T I'm also really sorry for not updating in a while

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Godddddd I'm really really sorry for making this part soooo much shorter than all my other ones but I'm really bad at writing stuff T_T I'm also really sorry for not updating in a while...
Oh and before I forget,I have decided that My updates will take a little longer sorry.

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