Chapter 5: Reekid

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**I know it seems that I have forgotten about this story but I promise I haven't. I feel awful for not updating this story as much but I am now so don't worry too much. This is going to be in Matthew's POV so be ready for that too **

We pulled up to a big house and the car stopped completely. I looked at Juicy who unbuckled and was getting ready to get out the car. Mully was being a prick though and being as slow as possible. "I swear to god Mully move your ass already dude!" Juicy yelled frustrated. 

Mully rolled his eyes and got out finally. Juicy got out and I follow him nervously. It seemed everyone was alright with me being here except Mully and maybe even Josh. I was stayed close beside Juicy. We all went inside the house and settled down a bit. 

Everyone sat down in the living room and I sit close to Juicy. "Okay so what are we doing?" Josh asked. He sounds genuinely confused. "Matthew is staying here. Now I know Reekid is going to be coming over but that is okay Matthew can stay in my room with me. He won't bother Reekid." Juicy concluded. Right after Juicy said 'Reekid' the doorbell rang.

Narrator stood up and answered it. I shout was heard as Narrator walked back in with Reekid now over his shoulder. "Hey Narrator put me down you ass!" Narrator laughed, "I am stronger than everyone here clearly." Eddie laughed, "Just because you took me down means nothing Narrator." Narrator laughed again and set Reekid down.

Juicy smiled, "Reekid this is Matthew. Matthew, Reekid." He smiled. Reekid held out his hands, "It's nice to meet you Matthew." I shook his hand nervously. "I didn't know we could let friends inside. Does that mean my friends can come finally?" Reekid laughed. "Well he is a fan but he is having to stay awhile." Juicy spoke, Eddie cut in quickly, "I will explain everything later to you." Reekid nods. 

Eddie stood up and clapped, "Okay so we are going to have a horror movie marathon!" 'Oh no..' I was never to good with horror movies but I wasn't going to complain. "Narrator your on snacks, Josh your on drinks, Juicy you are helping me pick movies!" Eddie finished giving all the designated jobs. Once Juicy left my side I was extremely nervous.

Reekid sat beside me and smiled, "So where you from?" Reekid seemed pretty nice so I guess talking to him wasn't so bad. "Well I came to Texas to PAX to meet all of you. I ran into a problem and Juicy helped me. Thank goodness." I smiled relieved. I stopped though realizing he was probably gonna ask what problem but he didn't.

He must be waiting for Eddie to explain. He nods, "Yea I was going to go but me and my friends got busy and were in a war in call of duty." He laughed a little. "I won of course." I smile a little. We both continued to talk for a bit till everyone got back. Narrator had caught chips and popcorn, Josh grabbed a variety of soda's, and Juicy and Eddie had grabbed a whole handful of horror movies.

 Everyone got situated and Eddie put in the first movie. He sat down and Juicy sat back down beside me. I didn't know what movie we were watching till the title screen came up. The Conjuring. I hated dolls and ghosts, and from what I've heard from people it has both. I scoot as close to the back of the couch as I can. 

Mully glanced over and scoffed silently, but I heard. He was starting to get on my nerves and he wonders why some people like him the least. The movie started and I nervously sat back and watched. 


I have never been so scared in my entire life. The movie credits of the now third movie of the continuation of The Conjuring, I was never going near a doll ever again. Eddie stood up and stretched turning the lights back on, "Woo! That was awesome." I looked around the room and saw thankfully I wasn't the only one scared. 

Reekid and Narrator looked really pale and Reekid was looking around frequently. "Well of course you'd be fine Eddie, you play horror games all the time you rarely get scared!" Juicy exclaimed. "I know someone who got scared." Mully sneered at me and Narrator rolled his eyes, "Mully everytime a loud noise went from the screen you'd cling on to Josh like your life depended on it." Mully glared and stood up, "It's late we should all get to bed." I looked at my phone, the battery was extremely low, but the time was almost midnight. 

Jeez we did stay up late. 

Juicy stood up, "Come on Matthew let's get to my room." I stood up and blushed a little, I couldn't believe I was staying in Juicy's room. Everyone went to their rooms and I walked inside Juicy's room. I yawn not realizing how tired I am. 

Juicy chuckled, "Hang on let me get you something to sleep in." I nod and sit on the edge of the bed. He went to his closet and grabbed a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants, he handed them to me, "Here you go" I smiled softly, "Thank you." He nods and takes his shirt off. I blush darkly staring at his arm tattoos. He turned slightly, showing more on his shoulders.

 I must have been staring at him for like five minutes since he looked at me confused, "You okay?" I shook my head quickly, blushing I nod, "Y-Yea uh sorry I zoned out.." I mumbled a little embarrassed. He smiled, "I know I got a lot of tattoos but we would be up all night if I explained which meant what to me." He laughed to himself and put on another shirt and put on sweatpants too. 

He sat down on the beed and yawned, "And I'm pretty tired so maybe I could tell you tomorrow?" I nod slightly. I didn't mean to stare too long but learning more about him would be great. "I will tell you what each means if you tell me more about your..history." He said softly, I thought about it for a minute and nodded, that seemed fair.

 He nods "Okay then it's a deal" He held out his hand to shake on it. I blushed but took his hand and shook it. He smiled, "Good. Okay probably should head to bed now." He laid down and got under the covers. I got up and went to the side of the room and took off my shirt to change.

 I already felt his eyes on me. He was probably staring at my scars all over my body. I know he saw but he wasn't saying anything which honestly made it seem worse. 

I finished changing and layed down in bed and covered up. "Goodnight Matthew." He said softly, "Goodnight Ga-" 

I cut myself off, "Goodnight Juicy.." 

**Oooo it's getting juicy isn't it. Sorry had too. You wonder why my favorite is Narrator XD. Anyways I finally got around to updating. Thank you for your support guys it means a lot.**

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