Chapter 6: The Truth

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**I actually got a back to back chapter done for this book! I'm so proud of myself. I'm still not feeling too good but I'm feeling a little better. Thanks for the support guys I really appreciate it**

A clap of thunder shakes the entire house. I wake up in a complete sweat. That nightmare..felt so real. My dad found me, he took me but not before hurting Gaege. I sit up and run a hand through my hair shakily. I felt already wet tears down my face, more threatened to spill.

 I held back a choked sob and quickly got out of the bed, not wanting to wake up Gaege. I closed the bathroom door quickly and leaned against the door and let my tears fall. I stayed there for what seemed like hours but I knew that was what my mind was saying. 

I sigh softly trying to calm down. I knew that my dad wasn't going to be able to find me and I had nothing to worry about. I heard a soft knock at the door and I froze. I must have woken up someone. 

Damn it.

 "Hey you in there Matthew?" Hearing Gaege's voice made me feel a little better but the nightmare started coming back to me. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you up.." I mumbled. "Can I come in?" I heard another loud shot of thunder and nod quickly, "Yea that's fine.." He opened the door and I hid my face quickly away from him.

 I didn't want him to see the first night staying here I'm already crying. "Why are you in here sitting in the floor?" He asked, tilting his head a bit. More thunder, I flinch back a bit. He chuckled, "The storm isn't anything to be worried about trust me. It actually hasn't rained here in awhile." I nod hoping my eyes didn't give much away.

 I stood up and headed for the door but he grabbed my hand, "Hey are you okay?? Were you crying? What's wrong?" So many questions came out of him at once and I felt the tears come back, I wasn't going to let them fall though. "I-I just had a nightmare is a-all.." I mumble again. 

"Well what was it about he asked, letting go of my arm and leading me back to the room. "It was my dad..I got scared because he found me but instead of just taking me back...he hurt you and..I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt because of upset me.." I looked down as we both sat back down on the bed.

 He nods a little, "Don't worry about it okay? He isn't going to find you and he will not hurt me trust me. Why would that part matter really anyways? Even if he did knock me down I'd get back up. It would take more than an old man to take me down." I heard the smile form in his voice and I couldn't help but smile a little too, "Well I don't know what I do if the person I.." I trailed off realizing I almost blurted out my feelings. 

I wasn't ready for that. I don't know what he would think of me.. "The person you what..?" He asked, a little confused. I looked down. I don't know when I would even get another opportunity like this again. 

I sigh softly and look down, "I don't know what I do if the person I cared about so much got hurt because of me..." I keep my head down and it is silent for a moment. "What do you mean by care about Matthew?" He asked softly. I knew I was screwed. I should have just kept my mouth shut. 

It was too late to back out now though. "...Gaege Gibson...I have watched your videos ever since you started YouTube..everyday I would be so happy to see something new that you had created because it blocked out the negative things happening in my my dad..and bullies. I would always look forward to listening to your voice. It helped so much...but I realized that I was starting to like you more than I thought..." I said the last but quietly, "..I realized I knew my dream would be to meet you and to tell you how I felt although I knew it wasn't going to happen..I just wanted it to be out there...I hate my dad for ruining that..He messed my plan up. So...I care about you..I think I love you Gaege.." I stayed silent now that I just spilled my guts out pretty much.

 He didn't speak and that made it so much worse. I think I messed up big time. I closed my eyes and laid my head back down against the pillow, now back under the covers. Maybe if I go to sleep I can pretend I didn't probably just freak him out.

 I sigh softly as I already felt a tear go down my cheek. I felt him lay back down and get back under the covers. I kept my eyes closed but I felt an arm around my waist.

 I opened my eyes a little feeling Gaege..holding me. 

I wanted to say something but I didn't want to ruin it. He pulled me close and I pulled my hands to his chest.

 I could feel his heart racing. Did this mean he liked me back? Does he care like me?

 I didn't worry too much about those questions right now. 

I just didn't want this moment to end.

**So this was a bit shorter than the last chapter but he finally confessed his feelings!! Yay the moment you've all been waiting for! But with Juicy except them completely?? You got wait for that answer ^^ **

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