This is the final movie for the guild slayers arc I made.
Plot - After the dragon slayer god wreck havoc the Rebel slayers guild done all they did can to turn the tied against their counter guild the guild slayers. Battling all over earth land sea, air, land and destroying each other guilds. calling upon the other slayers within the other guilds but even with the strength together it wouldn't be enough to defeat all the slayers, still outnumbered by thousands and more kids being taken and turned into slayers Artoria calls upon Fairy tail and the other guilds to help but knowing what her and her kind has done to their guilds and members she figures they wouldnt assist at all in the battle due to the non fully trust. Artoria knows this war may not come to the rebel slayers wining, but they will do their best to stop the guild slayers once and for all
All members of the rebel slayer guild
Allmembers of the guild slayers
All members of fairy tail
All members of sabertooth
All members of mermaid heel
All members of blue pegasus
All members of twilight orge
All members of lamia scale
All members of quatro cerberus
All members of the guild slayers
T-that is all