It was 3 months after I was sent her in this facility... I was a inmate in alcatraz and was sent here to be a death row inmate... And man its more worse than I thought... Well I mean I don't know what's in here yet so yeah all I know is when the open your door it's your time to be killed... Until my door opened.
Guard: D-9816 can you do me a favor and step out of your cell...?
I get up stepped out of my cell.
You: so am I going to be killed?
Guard: it depends... Oh and shut up will ya!
He then pushed me to get going and follow the guard to my front.
# 7 minutes later #
Guard: here we are... In the cell of 682.
You: who's 682?
Guard: oh you'll meet her inside so... Yeah good luck I guess...
Then the big doors opened revealing a creature the is chained up and if I'm guessing it's sleeping.
You: what the fuck is that?
Guard: its a lizard just a big one so... *Pushes him inside*
I get up and looked at him.
Guard: *points gun at him* don't even try it.
The door closed and I looked again to the big creature... And man this thing is massive!
You: umm what do I do?
Intercom: D-9816 you are here to be tested by the creature in front of you called SCP-682 and you will do what I say or else you'll be killed.
You: dude even though I didn't listen to you I'll be killed either way cuz of this thing feasting on me...
682: who the hell wake me up!?
The creature the wake up and looked at me angrily...
682: you human what are you doing in here?
You: to feed you?
682: feed me what?
You: me!
682: I'm gonna eat you?
You: I know you won't be full but it's what I can do.
682: why do you want me to eat you human?
You: I want to escape this hell hole already.
682: you want to live free human?
You: yes but I did many crimes and shit so I don't know what to do.
682: then...
She then ripped of the chains in her hands and walked towards me while I close my eyes and accept my fate... A few minutes later she hugged me and I opened my eyes.
682: human you have proven me of your worthy... I must take you as my beloved husband.
The scientist and guards: EH!!!! NANI!?
You: w-w-wait hold up what did you just said?
She kissed me and It feels horrible. After a few minutes we parted our lips and some gooey slime was on my mouth.
You: *spits* that tasted shit.
Intercom: D-9816 the test is now complete you may now go back to your home.
Then 682 growled like a angry lion.
682: I'm keeping him!
Intercom: I'm sorry 682 but we cannot do that. It-
She then roared and carried me while she smashes all the walls to run away.
# after an hour of gunfight you two managed to get away from the facility #
You: well that happened.
682 then put me down and looked at me. But her face is kinda umm.... She's in heat... Oh no.
You: look I know you want this but my soul is not ready!
682: oh shut up and let me just mate with you~!
She then pounced on me and bit my neck.
682: there a lovers sign of marriage~
You: don't do it!
She then ripped my pants and shirt and raped me like a wild beast.
# 5 years later no one POV #
The world is now being held by 682's children and while Y/n is being kept in their home being raped all night to make more babies.
682: ready for round 985 baby~
You: can I please have a day off?
682: sure after we make 230 more~
And then the mating process continues.
Paimon: so you're a fan of beastiality?
A/n: no I do not like that!
Paimon: oh and we have a new guest here
A/n..A/n: who?
Paimon: it's shouko-san yes.
Shouko: *bows*
A/n: what are you doing here?
Shouko: *pulls out a notebook and writes* I was invited by paimon
A/n: of all people on the universe why her?
Paimon: she was my friend yes?
Shouko: *thank you for inviting me*
A/n: yeah yeah so welcome to the squad?

The Depths Of Obsession
FanfictionI like all kinds of dere's they amaze me. And thanks for reading I hope you enjoy your stay!