-𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚘𝚏 𝚟𝚊𝚕𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚊- No POV
Jason: dude I swear I saw a big spider.
You: dude you were drunk last night so stop.
Jason: please y/n you're the only knight I trust so please believe me.
You sighed and look at him.
You: fine. But if I never saw that spider.... I'll take you to the queen and let her rape you.
Jason: dude please no I really swear that I saw that spider man.
You: meet me at the gates 9pm and we'll go look for it.
Jason: thanks bro.
-fast forward 9:46pm your POV-
You: where the hell is he. It's almost ten and he's not here yet.
Jason: *pants*pants* dude I'm sorry *pants*
You: what took you so long?
Jason: the queen raided my house so I ran away and just go here fast cuz I need to meet up with you.
You: damn bruh why don't you live on a new kingdom.
Jason: she might start a war on that kingdom so it's a no no.
You: good idea.
Jason: c'mon let's go to that spider I saw.
You: okay.
- fast forward 3 hrs and 45 minutes your POV-
You: dude you sure it's in here?
Jason: yeah man it's over that shack.
You: were like lost right now if you don't know.
Jason: I know the wa- *grunts*
You: Jason!!!
You brought your sword out and look who it was.
You: my god.
You look to see a huge arachnid a black one with white hair and a.... Ehem.
You: jason you okay?
???: He's dead human you're the only ones who's left.
You: who are you?
Kislana: the names kislana. What's yours human?
You: y/n. Y/n L/n.
Kislana: nice name for my next meal.
She lounged at me while I dodged it and get up.
Kislana: oh let's play~
You: this might take a while.
We fought for like 3 hours straight.
You: *pants*pants* shit!
Kislana: aww is your little toy got broken? Too bad you won't need it anyway. *Lounges at him*
You: *falls on my back* get off me!
Kislana: *licks his face* mm~ tasty~
You: what the fuck!?
Kislana: oh my. You're hard down there.
You: *blushes softly* N-no I'm not.
Kislana: *grins* I think I might have got myself a little toy~
You: *gulps* no please don't.
Kislana: *wraps him with my webs* now there a little cocoon for my little pet.

The Depths Of Obsession
FanfictionI like all kinds of dere's they amaze me. And thanks for reading I hope you enjoy your stay!