FBI: do you know why you're here?
A/n: *sniffs* yes.
FBI: you're arrested for writing things about little girls. Any reasons for doing it?
A/n: my co-writer forced me.
FBI: what's his name?
A/n: it's a she.
FBI: I see how old?
A/n: she never told me.
FBI: *nods* what's her name?
A/n: paimon.
FBI: you'll have a 2 year sentence.
A/n: w-what?
As the FBI officer escorted A/n to the prison a lot of prisoners were looking at A/n
Inmate: sup home boy.
A/n: h-hi?
Inmate: names BBD
A/n: what does that stands for?
BBD: big boy dick.
A/n: o-okay sure mines A/n.
BBD: how many years?
A/n: two years sentence.
BBD: you damn lucky home boy. Us here are life sentences.
A/n: what did you guys even do?
BBD: oh well some child black mailed me of accusing that I raped her.
A/n: damn.
BBD: the worse here is Y/n over there. He got arrested for accused of rape and gangbang even though it was reversed.
A/n: so he was the one Who were raped?
BBD: and what's worse he was raped by the warden.
A/n: I want to die right now.
BBD: how about you what's the reason you were here?
A/n: I was arrested for writing things about little girls. My stupid co-writer forced me.
BBD: Ha! Guess you're like us to huh.
A/n: I guess.
BBD: c'mon follow me to your room.
A/n: why the rooms had a sofa and tv? Instead of bunk beds and old TV's?
BBD: well all of us had a life sentence in here so the warden decided to let us give a comfortable place to stay in here like TV sofas and some board games. We even have PS4 and Xbox to play.
A/n: I guess it's not bad after all.
BBD: you can even request for your food. And the best part here is being the cook.
A/n: do you cook?
BBD: nope but Y/n here is the best cook.
Y/n: you called me?
BBD: ey Y/n wassup boy.
Y/n I'm cool. Who's the new guy?
BBD: oh it's A/n hes like us but he had a 2 years of sentence
Y/n: damn you lucky.
Guard: Y/n the warden needs you follow me.
Y/n: *sighs* welp I have to go.
BBD: be safe bro.
Y/n: sure.
As Y/n followed the guard to the wardens office we looked at each other.
A/n: what's gonna happen to him?
BBD: oh well another day of him being tortured.
- Your POV -
Momo: welcome back dear.
You: y-yeah.
Momo: is there something wrong?
You: n-no ma'am.
Momo: what did I say about calling me ma'am?
You: s-sorry dear.
Momo: come here and sit down next to me.
I sat down to the chair next to her. And she grabbed my hair and leaned close to me.
Momo: what is this that you made?
She showed me a picture of me making a secret tunnel.
You: w-what is that?
Momo: don't act dumb my dear I know that's you. So tell me what's the plan?
You: t-that was not me I promise.
Momo: you know I hate lies right Y/n?
You: y-yes ma'am.
She gripped my hair so hard that I think my scalp would be ripped off.
Momo: hmm?
You: y-yes dear. I-i know.
Momo: let me just do this.
I felt a prick on my neck and I feel sleepy.
You: please... I don't... Want... This.....
Momo: there there just sleep my dear let yourself rest.

The Depths Of Obsession
FanfictionI like all kinds of dere's they amaze me. And thanks for reading I hope you enjoy your stay!