A/n: requested by Lord_Vergasos4K Thanks for the idea have fun
I punched the wall in anger and frustration from a loss in the match again.
Y/n: it's the 20th time for fucks sake!
I grabbed a bottle of water to calm myself down.
Y/n: stupid practice core.
I was a tank user and the last carry of our match seems to have problems with his rotation. Farm getting stolen buff being invaded towers being pushed marksman can't even do anything because she's getting ganked. Fighter went afk mage has troll build. Man life sucks.
Y/n: why the hell can't these noobs adjust I took all the blame. I need a new hero to play or use.
I grabbed my phone and look for a new hero to purchase.
Y/n: ling? Nah I'm not good to be carry... Phoveus? Keep getting banned... Natalia? Aldous can just rip her... Guinevere? Fighter and mage? Hmm.... At least I won't rely on tank to be with me.
I still look around the hero shop to find a decent hero.
Y/n: man I don't like marksman it's to squishy especially to a good enemy fighter.
I look around once again but no interest in one at all.
Y/n: man...
I look at Guinevere and check her skills and stats.
Y/n: hmm......
3 days later-
I took the risk on buying Guinevere and been practicing her for a while. She is kinda broken though.
Enemy Marksman: F You guin! 1v1 me!
That guy is sure pissed I was feeding him and ganking him for a while he has 13 deaths no kills no assists what so ever.
Enemy MM: Trash team hope you di-
System: [enemy MM] has been muted for bad behavior.
My team immediately trash talked him even his team was cursing at him then he went afk for the whole match. Rage quit probably.
The match was a victory and worth it from the reaction. I went back to the main menu and there was a message on my album pics.
The MM dude: you stupid guin trash lucky I'm marksman if I'm core I'll fk you up bich!
I removed the allow comment on my album, blacklist and report the dude again.
Y/n: what a kid.
I logged out from the game and went to grab some snacks.
Years later-
I had been using guin for a year now she's my main now the replacement from my last main hero Franco. I had 300 matches on him and I surpass him with guin having 1k matches 68wr.
Y/n: not the best but still good.
I played rank......
I saw my rank back in Epic again.
Y/n: damn it it was one battle and I could've reached mythic!
I sighed and grinded for the whole day.
Skip the morning to afternoon-
I reached legend 1 now and I took a break from the grinding. Went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water to relax and sat on the couch.

The Depths Of Obsession
FanfictionI like all kinds of dere's they amaze me. And thanks for reading I hope you enjoy your stay!