Y/n: God what the fuck are those things.
I was hidden in the basement due to some white creatures having a feast on the people in this town. God help me.
The room around me was shaking I can even hear all the creams of the people who are unlucky to be alive. How the fuck this happen?
An hour back-
I left the house heading for the nearby lake to get fresh air. Took me minutes to go to the nearest lake.
Y/n: man I love the smell of fresh air.
I heard a rustle behind me and I look to see a bunny coming out of a bush.
Y/n: you're adorable.
I walked next to it and it let me pet it.
Y/n: man you are adorable.
I was giving it some crackers since I bring some with me.
Y/n: what should I name you? Hmm... I ah what about haku... Yes?
I the bunny looked at me and I believe it doesn't like the name.
Y/n: ya don't want that? Hmm.... What about Saya?
The bunny licked my finger and Im pretty sure it agreed now. But the bunny ran away I don't know why.
Y/n: that was weird... But looks like it's getting dark better head home.
I walked back home following the road to the town. But I kept seeing drips of blood and it gets bigger when I walk close to the town.
Y/n: don't tell me!
I ran to the town and a few minutes later I saw smoke with a sudden explosion. I checked the town on what the hell is going on. I then saw white tall rabbit creatures feasting on the townsfolk as if it's buffet or something.
Y/n: holy shit.
I ran to a nearby alleyway that connects to my home and quickly ran to the basement locking the door behind me.
I heard creams and the shake of the ground. What is going on. What are those things. I checked the box of my emergency supplies it's half full. That can help me love for a month or two. I sat down on the rough floor hopefully this would end soon.
Skip Morning-
I woke up lying to the cold floor. I must've slept from the horror that I saw. I opened the basement door and open the entrance door to see debris everywhere blood spilled on the front porch and guts were hanging on every house. I stood in front of my house to see all the things the were normal has turned into hell. I felt the ground shake and I immediately went back inside the house locked the door.
Y/n: please don't tell me they are still here.
The roof of my house was ripped of by four white rabbit creatures and one of them grabbed me.
Y/n: I Beg you I never did anything!
The four looked at each other and the one who grabbed me pet my head. What was that? Did I do something? Was I the cause of this massacre? Who are they? How do they know me?
The four rabbits ran bringing me somewhere else. Probably their home.
A few minutes later I was put down in the middle of a shrine with the four rabbits sitting down like a dog.I felt a cold breeze and looked behind me to see a woman with rabbit ears and a kimono on.
Y/n: who are you?
The girl looked at me. Her eyes. They looked familiar.
Y/n: look if I did something wrong I'm sorry. But why kill the people of my town?
Girl: they don't worship me. They only destroy my life.
She walked passed me and the shrine looked different the place was moldy the statues were destroyed the house was burned and the pathway was cracked. I looked at the girl.
Y/n: what are you?
Girl: a girl.
Y/n: no I mean why do you have those ears?
Girl: I was born with it.
Y/n: what is your name.
Girl: you gave me a name.
I was confused for a moment but when I think about it I met a bunny yesterday... Wait!
Y/n: you are Saya?
Saya: yes! You remembered me! It was a heartbeat when you interacted with me. Most humans now catch us and cage us for bidding. But you just played with me. You never hurt me. That was... Amazing!
I'm shocked... That bunny was a girl? Damn she's cute though but why?
Saya: I'm sorry but.
Her eyes were glowing red and I felt something coming out of my body.
Saya: I have to do this because I like you.
My nose was bleeding and blood were coming out of my eyes. It hurts. Everything hurts... I passed out from the pain that I felt.
Hours later-
I woke up from a flat grassy plains. Looking around I saw a bench with someone sitting on it. I walked to it and sat next to the person.
Saya: this place was better than before.
Y/n: what the heck happened to me?
Saya brought out a mirror and I saw bunny ears the same as her.
Y/n: what!? Why do i have these!?
Saya: I recreated you to be a perfect partner.
Y/n: look after you killed those people you think I'll fall for you? You could've just asked... But doing a massacre? No!
She looked down and looked back up at me with her whole eyes are blood red.
Saya: you don't know what you are Saying. But you are no longer in your realm.
I stand up and gave a few meters away from her. But she just teleported next to me and hold my neck with a strong grip.
Saya: I had like you Y/n don't let it be a waste.
I was beginning to lose air. I tried to fight back but her grip is monstrous. I felt like my necks gonna pop.
Saya: just like those humans when they like some animal to be their pet they catch it... But when a animal wants a human to be their pet... They'll force it!
I was shoved to the ground while her still chocking at me. She looked at me with her bloody red eyes. But I felt like I forgot something. She's removing my memories.
Saya: I'll make you the perfect pet! Starting now!

The Depths Of Obsession
FanfictionI like all kinds of dere's they amaze me. And thanks for reading I hope you enjoy your stay!