Chapter #0: Once I Met You

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I don't know what the love is until you came. Your eyes taken me to another dimension where there is only you and me. Your smile melted my heart as if it's an ice cream that being melted by the heat of the sun. You made me fell in love with you.

Once I Met You
Author: Harugi Gimaya

I caught my younger Sis sitting in the sofa, facing at her phone, blushing. I wonder why, I walked closer and beside her. As I tried to look at her phone and I saw nothing, I ask,

"What's with that, what you make blush, Zeah?"

"none of your business, Big bro!"

She said and draw a smile in her face. She quickly hid her phone.

"you look crazy"
I said while raising my right eyebrow

"I'm talking to person I love the most,"

she confess and sit properly.
"finally, he notice me,"
she continue with a calm sweet voice

"love eh, that's nonsense,"
I bitterly said and walk away.

I found it stupid. For me love is just a nonsense word. But the fact... I don't know what it means and what it feels like.I looked in the sky. And that's makes me different. They said love is the only thing make us feel alive. is mean I'm not alive? Physically alive but emotionally not. Is that what it means?

Sunday morning, walking at the park with my siblings, Thinking about "Love" , Why people do in love to someone, I give a Sigh.

We sat on the bench, and looking around. My younger sister wants to buy Ice cream, she go and my Little sister tag along.

A wind blows, leaves of the trees falling, A great scene that no one can imagine it, suddenly a girl walk in my front, my heart skip a beat and my Younger sister call me out of the blue.
I stand and look around

"Big bro, what are looking for"
my little sis ask me.

I replied
"oh never mind, let's go home"

In the next day was my first day of school in Lutham High School.

Leaving early and walking to school, My friend Yohan Cyade Smith, greet me,

"Morning Montefalco, Having a great day"

I look at him and walk away.

"Hey you don't change a bit Montefalco",

I look at him and say,

"Hey call me with my name",

he answered,
"yeah I got it, Jayden"

and I walk away.

Arriving at school in classroom, Year 1, Class B. I sit on the back near in the window. I looking around find some unusual things and I found some book that stock up, The door suddenly open next to me and a girl comes in, she greet

"good morning, I'm Kate Valle, nice to meet you",

"nice to meet you too"
I replied

she ask me
"what is your name?",

" Jayden Montefalco, just call me whatever you want"

, She said
"Hm... How about? Jayden"

I go back to my sit without excuse at her and open a book that I brought, She sit next to me and ask,
"what title of that book that you read, Jayden?"

I answered
"A Girl behind the Tree",

She ask me
"And who is the Author?"

I never answer and continue read.

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