Chapter #3: Upcoming Autumn

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(Yawn) "Ah, it's late summer, but it's cold outside"

(Zeah shout from downstairs)
"Bro! You gonna late going to school"

"I want to skip a class"

(Zeah rush to my bedroom)

"Because you wanted to sleep whole day!"

(I just snooze")

(Zeah whisper to my ear with a sweet tone)
"Brother, you better to wake up or I will give my first time on you♡~~~"

(I snap my sleep and jump off the bed and blush)

"Wha-wha-what are you doing!! That's illegal!! Cut it out!!"

"please take me as your responsibility, Brother♡~~~"

(I shock and pass out because of over-embarrassment)

(Ivory came over to my room)

"Big sis!! Teach me how to do that! I wanted to tease big bro like you did!"

"Hmm... our big bro is a lolicon"

(I grained my conscious and I grab Zeah shoulder.)

"Hey, I'm gonna die if Ivory do that"

(Then Ivory did).

Once I Met You
Author: Harugi Gimaya

At the school, sitting on my chair. Yohan told me that:

"Jayden! You're so pale! what happend?!.

"Blood loss"

(A cold breeze came in the window)

"Its going autumn in next days huh, Jayden"

(I snooze)

"Oi, it's not time to sleep in the middle of the class!"

(I totally sleep)

"Its look like I cant wake him up.."

Free time, Kate trying to wake me up,
But it failed.

Next free time, Kiarra trying to wake me up, but it failed.

In the middle of our lesson, the teacher want to wake me up, but she said:
"its fatigue" so she ignore me.

In the lunch time they tried to wake up me, but I still asleep.

Kiarra said:
"Its so tough to wake him up..."

"Yeah... there's no other way to wake him up. we tried everything, poke him, Smack him, push him, and tickle him.."

"By the way. why he didn't wear winter uniform?"

(Yohan touch my ears)
"He's so cold! It's more like he is-"

(Ashley shock)
"Hey! dont give a joke like that, he still breathing, right?"

"Hmm... I wonder, what's the other way to wake him up..."

"I know! Lets ask his sister, if she know how to wake him up..."

(They call Zeah)

"Hello? Kate what do you need?"

"Um.. hello Zeah, I'll ask you something about Jayden...."

"Is he sleep in whole lessons, is he?"

"Yeah... even the teacher cant wake him up, they say its fatigue, so they ignore him.."

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