Chapter: 6#: Moon Festival

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A cold breeze from my window. This time, its going to winter in the next few weeks. This October in our country, will celebrate the Autumn Festival known as Moon Festival.

Once I Met You
Author: Harugi Gimaya

I didn't expect that I will go in that Festival with Kate. well, I can't resist her temptation, so I Planned to tag along with Zeah and Ivory going to the Central Park.

Saturday in the Afternoon at our home. I read some of my novels and eat some snacks.
While I'm reading, I felt my emotions within that that phrases. I cut off my readings and watch some news. Then i saw someone in our gate:

"Good morning sir, Is this Montefalco Household?"

"Yes and what is it?"

"Ahh.. this is for Mr. Hayden Montefalco"

"Dad is not here, he is busy in his office"

"Its that so.. can you sign here?"

"Eh.. that package is for my father, right?"

"Well it written here is: Montefalco Family.."

"(I bet Grandma send this package), well where do I sign?"

"Ahh.. here, here and here..."

After that he bring the package to us and leave.

"(Hey, what with this big package that grandma send to us)"

"Bro, what with that package? Who send this to us"

"Probably Grandma and Grandpa send this package"

"Big bro, If you wouldn't mind, I would like to open this package."

"Yeah, sure I dont mind"

Ivory open the package and we saw our names written in different boxes.

"Big bro! here, this is yours"

I open it and found some clothes that grandpa send..

"(Well this clothes are old fashioned)"

"Bro! Wear those clothes!"

"Ahh... that would be hassle, but first let me wash this Clothes"

Meanwhile after we finished digging up the package, I put the clothes in the washing machine, and eat some snacks at the Livingroom.

In the next day, Sunday 6:PM. I just arrive at the Central park, and I saw Kate near in the fountain, so I talk to her:

"Hey what's up, tired of waiting for me?"

"No, I just waiting here for about 5 minutes, and you bring Zeah and Ivory here, what's your plan?"

"Well, dont mind us, me and Ivory have different ways to enjoy this without big bro. Then, we will take our leave, ivory let's go!"

"Yeah! we need to make it to the line before it's gone!"

"Yeah! This is once-in-a-year food!"

Zeah and Ivory:
"Moon Dumplings!!"

"(Even they are really far, I could hear them yelling)"

"What with those two, why they are excited?"

"Well, dont mind them. Let's go"

"This is kinda nostalgic"

"Hey, you always saying nostalgic, are you alright?"

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