3- I Didn't Say Anything

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When Harry got home that evening, the first thing he noticed was Zayn sat on one of the porch chairs with a drink in hand.

Zayn hated drinking so Harry knew something was up or else he wouldn't be drinking at all.

As soon as Harry's driver had the car parked, Harry got out of the car and walked to his boyfriend with a worried look on his face.

Before he could say anything, Zayn stood up and glared at him. "Who the fuck is he?"

"What?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows, momentarily forgetting about the fact that he had dropped Niall earlier off who was pregnant with his kid.

"That blond boy in our house whom you invited into our home without consulting me, who the fuck is he?" Zayn slammed the glass down on the table angrily, it was a surprise it didn't shatter, not that the model would have cared.

Harry felt like the world had come crashing down on his shoulders. Zayn was mad, annoyed even, he could clearly see that. How the hell was he gonna explain himself?

"His name is Niall-" Harry started to say but Zayn cut him off with a glare.

"I fucking know his name, just tell who he is to you and what he's doing here!" Zayn had lost it.

The CEO gulped, he was a bit scared of an angry Zayn but he had made this bed, might as well lay in it.

"He's the one I hooked up with. When I cheated on you." Harry said and hung his head in shame.

"Okay." Zayn said making Harry look up, "so what is he doing here?"

Answering that was the tricky part, it was bad enough telling his boyfriend that, but how the hell was he gonna say that?

"Harry?" Zayn called. He never called Harry by his name. That's how fucked up the current situation was.

"He's pregnant with my kid." Harry mumbled quietly, too quiet infact that he wasn't even sure if Zayn had heard him. But he knew he had heard when the latter stood up angrily, accidentally knocking the glass on the floor and shattering it finally.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?" He glared, accentuating each word; his Bradford accent very prominent.

Harry had no words to say to that so Zayn continued speaking.

"Oh my god! I can't believe this. And you had the audacity to bring him here, in our house?! What the fuck do you take me for, huh?!" By now his voice had risen octaves higher.

"I'm sorry Zee, his father just showed up with him and forced me to take him in-" Harry was once again cut off by his boyfriend. Was he even still his boyfriend? Harry hoped so.

"I don't fucking care about that? Why? Why the hell didn't you atleast warn me about this?" Zayn said angrily, shooting daggers at Harry. "How long have you even been hooking up with him?"

Harry's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe Zayn doubted his loyalty. But then again, who could blame him, considering the situation?

"It was just that one time, I swear baby." Harry looked at Zayn with desperation in his eyes.

"I don't know what to believe." Zayn's voice cracked when he said that and Harry felt like stabbing his eyeballs because he hated seeing his boyfriend upset.

However, before he could say anything, Zayn walked around the table. "I need to be alone," he walked inside the house.

It took all of Harry's will power to not get up and follow Zayn. But he knew he needed space so he refrained.

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