1- And He Had Green Eyes

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I know I know☺ I said I won't start this one until later. But I just couldn't help  myself😀.

This is dedicated to @NarryOnlyxx


"You are pregnant, Mr. Horan." Congratulations!" The doctor beamed.

Niall felt like his world had stopped, he felt like he was frozen in time and there was no way for him to unfreeze the moment and keep living.



He couldn't be pregnant.

Why did the world hate him this much?

He must have angered a superior being incharge of fate, somehow. Otherwise what are the odds of his misfortune?

First he dislocated his knee the previous year during a highschool football match. That led to him not playing his favourite sport for a long time and that was during the biggest game of the year.

And as if that was not enough, he got his heart shattered because he couldn't make it to the after party and his boyfriend, influenced by alcohol, found comfort in the arms of another lad.

His clumsiness too decided to pull one on him and he messed up his knee again, twenty four hours after his graduation. It was a serious injury and it called for a knee operation.

His knee had barely healed when he decided to loosen up for one night, one night of loosening up in a year after he broke up with his highschool boyfriend. One doomed night.

He loosened up alright, but it came back to bite him in the arse four weeks later when he and his best friend Louis, went to the clinic to find out what was wrong with him because he was poorly for almost a week and it was becoming worrisome for Louis since the summer was almost over and they had to start college in a couple of weeks.

Seriously, how much bad luck could someone have?

How would he be able to juggle school and pregnancy? Plus a baby when it was finally born?

Did he even wanna keep it?

He would cross that bridge when he got to it, right now, he needed to concentrate on his breathing because it was becoming a chore.

"Niall! Stay with me please." 

Niall blinked his eyes open when he heard the unmistakable voice of his best friend call out frantically. The urgency in the voice is what alerted Niall to the situation at hand, whatever that was.

But as soon as he opened his eyes and looked around --realizing only then that he had somehow passed out-- seeing that he was in the doctor's office, his predicament came crushing down on him like a huge brick wall, enough to break his soul and reduce it to nothing.

He was pregnant.

Honestly, Niall was more scared of what his father would do to him than the actual fact that he was pregnant.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked in a soft voice next to Niall's bed, which he had been laying in during the 'checkup' and apparently which he had passed out on.

"I..." Niall cleared his throat when it came out scratchy. "I'm okay." He looked at the doctor who had a worried look on his face. "Thanks a lot doc, but we gotta go."

He stood up, not wanting to spend any more time with the person who gave him such news.

"Wait, are you sure you are okay?" The doctor stood up but Niall was already walking over to the door; he had to get out of there and soon.

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