Behind closed doors, Brianna was ignored. Her dad was her abuser, sexual. Brianna's mom and stepdad living with her. Brianna's mother thought the abuse stopped after the first time she was taken to the hospital, losing forty percent of her blood. Sixty percent, and she would've died...
Outside the closed doors, she was a person who had a few friends, but a lot of online friends. Mainly ones that obsessed over a little band called Before You Exit. She mainly liked Toby. He was the shy one. The one that seemed worth it.
But when Brianna's mother gets the tickets for Pittsburgh, it might have to be just a stupid, rememberable concert. But that is what she thought... Toby took it as a chance to find out what she really was all about.
* author's note *
I will update the first chapter once I am done with the entire book. Then, a day later I will update the next chapter. Etc.
-Brianna Joy xx
Ps. See you later